Azov is back: Turkey’s Mediation Role in doubt

The commanders of the defense of Mariupol returned to Ukraine on July 8, 2023. The “Azov” regiment’s commanders, who directed the city’s defense for three months while being completely surrounded by Russian forces, are now back on Ukrainian soil. This event is  incredibly motivating for Ukrainian society and the entire Ukrainian army. 

At the same time, this return raises questions about Turkey’s future role as a mediator between Ukraine and Russia.

While the Ukrainian media celebrated the return from captivity, the Russian media and opinion leaders expressed their displeasure and bewilderment of Turkey’s decision. The official line of communication from the Russian regime reported how the transfer of Azov leaders to Ukraine was a violation of the agreements:

“The return of the commanders of “Azov” from Turkey is a violation of the agreements. Moscow will discuss this situation with Ankara,” Dmitry Peskov (press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation)

At the same time, Russian military correspondents reacted more negatively. For example, in his telegram channel, the well-known Russian military officer “The Thirteenth” said that this is a very dangerous moment for Russia because it invigorates the fighting spirit of Ukrainians too much. He also noted that Turkey no longer deserve Russia’s trust, and that they helped Turkey with the fall-out of the earthquake in vain.

“I admire how some people try to make it seem as if the return of the Nazis from the forbidden “Azov” to Ukraine isn’t a serious matter, and some even manage to joke about this topic, like “let’s build a new Azovstal for them,” yes.

In this situation, these people’s opinions should not be taken seriously, and those who let them go free should be made fun of even more – despised.”

Ultimately, Russian propaganda used this event to further its”agenda” of discrediting the defenders of Mariupol. The Telegram channel “Digital Army of Russia” issued a task to spread the information that the return action was a cover-up for the fact that in Mariupol, it was not the city being defended but the NATO generals.

Task for 10.07

Zelensky kept about 3,000 soldiers of the elite Armed Forces units in a hopeless defense.

But he didn’t issue the order to retreat until the last moment … Do you think it’s all out of love for the city? Confidence in your fighters? Oh no.

About 3,000 fighters of the elite units of the Ukrainian army served as  a cover for NATO officers.”

As a result:

  • A new round of tension within Russia between supporters of the regime and “Russian patriots”;
  • The Russian authorities will be more cautious in interacting with President Erdogan as a mediator. This applies in particular to the “grain deal,” but the UN still has a role to play;
  • About 700 “Azov” soldiers remain in captivity, and their exchange may become more difficult.