Report on Pilot Project Implementation, “Developing a Performance Measurement System for Consolidated Communities”

The Report demonstrates the results of the pilot project, “Developing a Performance Measurement System of Consolidated Communities” that specialists of the USAID Program, “Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency,” (DOBRE) conducted from February to July 2021.

During its pilot phase, experts developed first indicators for the performance measurement system of the following three services: solid waste management; drinking water; and school education. 47 pilot communities from 21 Oblasts of Ukraine collected and reported their data according to the defined indicators. Owing to the results attained after the pilot stage, specialists anticipate to enlarge the quantity of services for evaluating and implementing the performance measurement system at the national level.

The Report will be useful for representatives of local self-government; experts in sectors of delivering public services; specialists in fields of developing indicators and criteria for assessment, including other interested parties.