Ukraine in Flames. Who’s behind international support for Putin?

Despite obvious war crimes of Russia in Ukraine, some European states still hesitate in their choice between the values of a united Europe and particular interests. They help promote Putin’s narratives and passively justify the war against Ukraine. Recent European elections illustrate this vividly. The distance between incumbent President Macron and the far-right candidate Le Pen was about 4% after the first round of the French presidential race. Le Pen is an active supporter of Euroscepticism and part of Putin’s active lobby in France and the EU.

Parliamentary elections in Hungary gave Fidesz and its leader Orban the opportunity to form a government. Orban is another sympathizer of Putin and those who have repeatedly blocked Ukraine’s NATO integration process. He has notoriously refused to transit weapons to Ukraine after the start of a large-scale Russian invasion.

Serbian President Vucic is voicing support for Putin, which became possible due to Serbs reelecting him President and his political power to the Parliament.

Finally, Belarus is a direct ally of the Kremlin letting Russia shell Ukraine from its territory.

Ukraine in Flames #38 will discuss these and more “useful idiots” who support Putin’s actions in Ukraine.


  • Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, MP and Head of the committee for integration of Ukraine to European Union
  • Olexiy Haran, Prof. of Comparative Politics, University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy; Research Director, Democratic Initiatives Foundation
  • Andrii Miadzvedzev, Belarusian journalist, Radio Unet
  • Jakub Janda, Director of the European Values Center for Security Policy
  • Mykhailo Drapak, analyst at Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”
  • Sergei Sumlenny, former Director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Kyiv Office. Berlin
  • Tetyana Ogarkova, head of International Outreach at Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

UKRAINE IN FLAMES project is created by Ukraine Crisis Media CenterUkrainian Catholic University’s analitical center and NGO “Euroatlantic Course”.  We are aiming at searching a loud support for Ukraine in the war started by Russia on the 24th of February 2022.

If you want to support Ukraine against Russian aggression, check the link with recommendations by Ukraine Crisis Media Center –

NGO Euroatlantic Course collects donations to support Ukrainian Army and civilians –