How Russia exerts influence in Latin America

The attitudes of the leaders of Latin American states towards the Russian invasion are expected to differ, although it is quite difficult to say which factor affects their position more: Russian propaganda, which tries to shape the socio-political discourse around Ukraine, or the financial infusions of the Russian Federation. However, both factors play a role, and in general, the position of the countries in the region regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war is mostly neutral in terms of providing military aid to Ukraine and imposing sanctions against the Russian Federation. Watch Ukraine in flames #645 to find out about Russian influence in Latin America: cultural diplomacy, economic ties, diplomatic espionage networks, and playing on anti-American sentiments in the region.

UKRAINE IN FLAMES project is created by Ukraine Crisis Media Center and NGO “Euroatlantic Course”. We are aiming at searching a loud support for Ukraine in the war started by Russia on the 24th of February 2022.

If you want to support Ukraine against Russian aggression, check the link with recommendations by Ukraine Crisis Media Center –

NGO Euroatlantic Course collects donations to support Ukrainian Army and civilians –