Where Russia’s Peace Formula Ends, Blackmail Begins. Russian Disinformation Digest

Written by Anastasiia Ratieieva, UCMC/HWAG analyst

On the eve of the Global Peace Summit, on June 14, Vladimir Putin presented his “peace plan” for Russia’s war on Ukraine. Putin stated that the conditions for a cease-fire and the start of negotiations included the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the annexed territories of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, as well as Ukraine’s neutrality on the NATO issue. 

As a logical extension of the Kremlin’s agenda on the global stage, Putin visited North Korea. The meeting between the two dictators ended with a series of statements that the Kremlin interpreted as a message to the Western world: “If you do not accept our peace plan, we will continue to strengthen our positions in the war.”

Russian Narrative: Russia is “ready” for negotiations and positions itself as a peacemaker.

Igor Korotchenko, journalist; Telegram Channel 15,000 Subscribers:

“The well-reasoned position of Moscow is the only viable way out of the crisis. All other options are unworkable and will never be considered or implemented. In this regard, Vladimir Putin has once again demonstrated that he is the world’s most powerful politician, influencing future global and geopolitical events.”

Marina Akhmedova, politician, 76,000 followers:

“Those gathered in Switzerland to discuss peace are missing an opportunity to claim that Russia is incapable of negotiating. We are capable; these are our terms. Meanwhile, neither Europe nor the United States intend to end the war; they are only beginning to send more weapons to make money. Here comes peace. What kind of peace? No peace for you!”


The main points of Putin’s “peace plan” is the complete mirror opposite of Ukraine’s position on achieving peace. They include the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Ukraine’s occupied (by Russia) territories, which Russia has since declared to be part of its state. Another standout point is that Kyiv must abandon any ambitions to join NATO. These demands have already been labeled as ultimatums by Ukrainian officials and the international community.

Russian propaganda seeks to portray Europe and the United States as aggressors in the Russo-Ukrainian war, attempting to avoid responsibility for its aggressive actions. In contrast, Ukraine and its international partners are advocating for genuine peace, which includes restoring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

Russian Narrative: There Are No Alternatives to Putin’s Plan

“Legitimate,” an anonymous Telegram channel with 1,044,000 subscribers:

“Everyone at yesterday’s conference in Switzerland was secretly discussing Putin’s “peace plan” and the possibility of compromises. Behind closed doors, no one seriously discussed Zelensky’s “peace plan,” which, like Zelensky himself, carries no weight.”

Sergei Markov, pro-Kremlin “political analyst”, 72,000 followers:

“Vladimir Putin’s proposal does not include giving the West a break while allowing it to strengthen the neo-fascist terrorist regime. Its goal is to dismantle the regime peacefully. These proposals may appear radical if you assume Russia is losing and giving up. However, they lose their radicalism when you consider that the Russian army is currently advancing and will continue to do so in the future.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

“There is no reasonable alternative to Putin’s peace plan for Ukraine. The Ukraine conference in Switzerland turned out to be a complete failure. Such events are incapable of fostering long-term and equitable peace.”


The Russian narrative of a lack of alternatives to Putin’s “peace plan” is disinformative and manipulative. There are clear and concrete alternatives to Putin’s “peace plan,” including President Volodymyr Zelensky’s “peace plan.” Zelensky’s plan calls for the complete restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, the withdrawal of Russian troops, and the reestablishment of Ukrainian control over its internationally recognized borders.

Many countries and international organizations support a peace process grounded in international law and state sovereignty. This includes diplomatic efforts and sanctions against the aggressor aimed at promoting peace. The conference in Switzerland, dubbed a fiasco by Russian propaganda, is part of international efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict under fair terms.

Russian propaganda attempts to portray Putin’s “peace plan” as the only viable option, but this distorts the truth. Russian aggression against Ukraine and annexation of its territories are violations of international law. Russia is attempting to legitimize its actions by imposing its own peace terms, but this is not an acceptable solution for restoring justice and stability to the region. In fact, this plan implies Ukraine’s surrender and consolidation of the consequences of aggression, which is unacceptable to Ukraine and the international community.

Russian Narrative: Russia will continue the war if its proposals are not accepted

Marina Kim, Russian MP, 18,000 followers:

“Vladimir Putin’s nuclear statements, followed by our new ‘peace formula,’ which derailed Ukraine’s plans for the summit in Switzerland. I’d also include the Russian President’s official visit to Pyongyang and the signing of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between our countries. “This truly marks the summer of our diplomatic offensive.”

Anonymous Telegram Channel ADEQUATE Z, 262,000 followers:

“For potential opponents of Kim, this meeting means that any future plans for aggression against North Korea must now account for the possibility of the most unexpected surprises from our side, including the possibility that these surprises will not only include the appearance of our troops.” 

Igor Ortsev, official from the puppet entity “LPR,” 46,000 followers:

“South Korea began to panic following Putin’s visit to North Korea. Promises to flood Ukraine with weapons in response to the Russia-North Korea defense agreement started pouring in. It’s a simple move: give everything you have, and our Kim Jong Un will take you with bare hands. Onwards to the triumph of socialism on the entire Korean Peninsula!”


Putin’s visit to North Korea was intended to highlight Russia’s strong position in the war against Ukraine. The Kremlin has previously stated its conditions for a ceasefire and the beginning of negotiations, but has now resorted to threats and blackmail if these conditions are not met.

During his meeting with Vladimir Putin in Pyongyang, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un expressed complete support for Russia’s war in Ukraine and promised to strengthen strategic ties with Moscow. 

Both leaders describe their new partnership as the “strongest treaty,” with the goal of creating a “new multipolar world.” In addition to threats to the West, Russian propaganda suggests threats to South Korea if it continues to support Ukraine.

As a result, statements about Russia’s strength and readiness to continue the war are more propaganda rhetoric aimed at intimidation and disinformation than a true reflection of its capabilities. The real path to peace is to follow international norms, respect Ukrainian sovereignty, and put an end to the aggression.

Russian Narrative: Next Time We Won’t Be So Kind

Sergei Naryshkin, the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

“If the Kyiv regime refuses Vladimir Putin’s peace proposals for resolving the conflict in Ukraine, the next time the conditions will be tougher and stricter.”

“Legitimate,” Anonymous Telegram Channel, 1,044,000 Followers

“Everyone knows that the West has already rejected the peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis because they have chosen war and the saturation of their military-industrial complex with orders (Ukraine is not particularly needed by them; they will use it for their own purposes and then abandon it).

Verified: The claim of harsher conditions for refusing Putin’s peace agreements is part of a propaganda campaign to manipulate public opinion. 

Accusing the West of rejecting peaceful solutions is an attempt to divert attention away from Russia’s aggressive actions. The international community continues to emphasize the importance of upholding international law and Ukrainian sovereignty. Rising stakes and conflict exacerbate rather than facilitate a peaceful resolution. Tragedies and human losses are already too great, and further conflict escalation will exacerbate the region’s humanitarian crisis.

Russia’s support from countries such as North Korea cannot compensate for the loss of global allies. Support from international organizations, economic unions, and the majority of developed countries is dwindling, undermining Russia’s diplomatic and economic standing.

As a result, statements about Russia’s strength and readiness to continue the war are more propaganda aimed at intimidation and disinformation than an accurate reflection of its capabilities. Adherence to international norms, respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty, and the cessation of aggression are all necessary steps toward peace.