Russian proxies opened fire from APC weapons and tanks at Maryinka in ATO zone just after the midnight yesterday. During this incident, militants fired around ten rounds at Ukrainian troops’ positions. Another armed provocation in Mariupol sector took place in Shyrokyne, reported Ukrainian Ministry of Defense spokesman on ATO Colonel Oleksandr Motuzyanyk at a press briefing at Ukraine Crisis Media Center.
In Donetsk sector, hostile attacks’ intensity was quite high, but no heavy weapons were used. Militants conducted three armed provocations at Shakhta Butovka position at night. Hostilities resumed at 11:00 in Zaitseve and Shakhta Butovka -Avdiivka frontline and continued with recesses till the end of the day. In total, 18 hostile provocations took place in Donetsk sector yesterday.
“In Luhansk sector, hostile attacks’ intensity was quite low,” said Col. Motuzyanyk. Militants opened fire from grenade launchers and small arms at Krymske twice between 10:00 and 12:00. Late at night, Russian proxies conducted brief grenade attack at Krymske.
No Ukrainian troops were killed or wounded in action yesterday.
Report on the military developments as of August 31 is available here. Interactive data on the shelling: chronology shelling chart and the interactive map.