Russia continues to retrain Ukrainian teachers in temporarily occupied territories

© Crello

The occupiers continue to forcibly integrate Ukrainian children into the “Russian world”. This was announced by Liudmila Denisova, Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights in her Telegram channel.

To do this, the invaders instill in Ukrainian educational institutions in the temporarily occupied territories teaching according to the “Russian standards”.

“About 3 and a half thousand teachers from these institutions are already undergoing retraining in order to prepare for work in the temporarily occupied territories,” announced Denisova.

The act of coercion and interference in the educational process is a direct violation of the right to cultural and national identity guaranteed by Article 29 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the right to education under Articles 24 and 94 of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.