This week, the pro-Kremlin media pushed the idea that vaccines are “ineffective” against the Delta variant of Covid-19, thus once again trying to undermine the vaccination campaign in Ukraine. Even though Delta is more resistant to vaccines than the previous variants, vaccination still effectively lowers hospitalization and death levels, which is crucial amidst the current Covid-19 outbreak.
The pro-Kremlin forces have launched attacks on the Armed Forces of Ukraine in attempts to discredit the army. They claim there is massive “demoralization” and “degradation” in the Armed Forces, which are portrayed as ineffective. Although there are certain issues in the Ukrainian army, portraying the military in the Top-30 strongest armies in the world as failed is misleading and serves the aggressor’s interests. The Armed Forces are often a target for discrediting attacks due to the high level of trust by Ukrainians.
Propagandistic media continue to exploit the topic of “new Russian build-up” near Ukraine’s borders. They portray it as if the USA is preparing for a “military aggression” against Russia using Ukraine as a “staging area”. This continues the popular among the pro-Kremlin media “external governance” narrative to discredit Ukraine as an independent state but also aims to create justification for the military escalation at the frontline.