Russia attacks Ukraine: live update, March 2022


UNICEF. Ukraine war creating a child refugee almost every second.

“Every day, over the past 20 days, in Ukraine more than 70,000 children have become refugees. That’s every minute, 55 children fleeing the country,” said James Elder, spokesperson for the UN Children’s Fund.

22:28 The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe officially recognized Transnistria as a zone of Russian occupation.

22:19 Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted to withdraw from the Council of Europe. The number of votes in favor

 of the exclusion of Russia is 216 out of 219. The Committee of Ministers is authorized to make a final decision.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba says it should have been done in 2014.

21:41 Adviser to the head of the President’s Office Mykhailo Podoliak

Negotiations with the Russian delegation ended on March 15 and will continue tomorrow.

“We will continue tomorrow. It is a very difficult and vicious negotiation process. The parties face fundamental contradictions. But there is room for compromise. During the break, work in subgroups is under way”, —Podoliak wrote on his Twitter.

21:17 Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrskii

In Ukraine, the aggressor completely or partially destroyed 3,500 infrastructure facilities, including 230 transport infrastructure facilities, 165 livelihood facilities, such as power substations and gas pipelines, more than 2700 destroyed houses, 10 social institutions, more than 400 buildings of the State Emergency Service, the National Police.

20:40 Energoatom

More than a million Ukrainians are deprived of electricity and gas due to the hostiles of russian occupiers.

During the day, Ukrainian power engineers restored power supply to about 43.5 thousand consumers.

Due to the occupiers, 1,679 thousand settlements or more than 928 thousand consumers remain without electricity.

About 259 thousand consumers remain without a gas supply.

20:18 Head of Luhansk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Haidai

Russian troops fired on an evacuation bus carrying people from Rubizhne, Luhansk region.

Today the bus of the Vostok-SOS Charitable Foundation came under fire. Volunteers helped us take people out of Rubizhne. Two hundred border guards remained in the city, which is constantly under fire. From Severodonetsk, the bus successfully reached Novozolotarivka. Tomorrow’s evacuation is in doubt.

19:33 EU Council

Today, the EU Council decided to impose sanctions on 15 more individuals and 9 legal entities connected with Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.

The list includes oligarchs Roman Abramovich and Herman Khan and other leading businessmen working in main sectors of the economy such as ferrous metallurgy, energy, banking, media, military and dual-use goods and services.

The list also includes lobbyists and propagandists, such as the CEO of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, who are promoting the Kremlin’s narrative of the situation in Ukraine.


Ukraine war creating a child refugee almost every second.

“Every day, over the past 20 days, in Ukraine more than 70,000 children have become refugees. That’s every minute, 55 children fleeing the country,” said James Elder, spokesperson for the UN Children’s Fund.

22:28 The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe officially recognized Transnistria as a zone of Russian occupation.

22:19 Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted to withdraw from the Council of Europe. The number of votes in favor

 of the exclusion of Russia is 216 out of 219. The Committee of Ministers is authorized to make a final decision.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba says it should have been done in 2014.

21:41 Adviser to the head of the President’s Office Mykhailo Podoliak

Negotiations with the Russian delegation ended on March 15 and will continue tomorrow.

“We will continue tomorrow. It is a very difficult and vicious negotiation process. The parties face fundamental contradictions. But there is room for compromise. During the break, work in subgroups is under way”, —Podoliak wrote on his Twitter.

21:17 Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrskii

In Ukraine, the aggressor completely or partially destroyed 3,500 infrastructure facilities, including 230 transport infrastructure facilities, 165 livelihood facilities, such as power substations and gas pipelines, more than 2700 destroyed houses, 10 social institutions, more than 400 buildings of the State Emergency Service, the National Police.

20:40 Energoatom

More than a million Ukrainians are deprived of electricity and gas due to the hostiles of russian occupiers.

During the day, Ukrainian power engineers restored power supply to about 43.5 thousand consumers.

Due to the occupiers, 1,679 thousand settlements or more than 928 thousand consumers remain without electricity.

About 259 thousand consumers remain without a gas supply.

20:18 Head of Luhansk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Haidai

Russian troops fired on an evacuation bus carrying people from Rubizhne, Luhansk region.

Today the bus of the Vostok-SOS Charitable Foundation came under fire. Volunteers helped us take people out of Rubizhne. Two hundred border guards remained in the city, which is constantly under fire. From Severodonetsk, the bus successfully reached Novozolotarivka. Tomorrow’s evacuation is in doubt.

19:33 EU Council

Today, the EU Council decided to impose sanctions on 15 more individuals and 9 legal entities connected with Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.

The list includes oligarchs Roman Abramovich and Herman Khan and other leading businessmen working in main sectors of the economy such as ferrous metallurgy, energy, banking, media, military and dual-use goods and services.

The list also includes lobbyists and propagandists, such as the CEO of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, who are promoting the Kremlin’s narrative of the situation in Ukraine.

19:31 independent military experts Naval News, head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration Maxim Marchenko

According to satellite images, military experts noticed the approach of three groups of warships of the Russian fleet in the direction of Odesa. On the evening of March 15, Ukrainian authorities confirmed the shelling and 2 casualties.

At about 2 p.m., the Russian occupiers fired at the naval artillery in another settlement. According to Marchenko, the Russians fired about 90 shells.

19:26 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba

The fourth package of EU sanctions

The ban sends:

– operations with several Russian enterprises, including the military-industrial complex: Rosneft-Aero, Rosoboronexport, High-precision complexes, Kurganmashzavod, Russian Helicopters, United Aircraft Corporation, United Shipbuilding Corporation, Uralvagonzavod and Zelenodolsky Plant named after Gorky;

– new investments in the energy sector of the Russian Federation;

– credit rating services and access to services related to credit rating activities;

– cast iron and steel (extended trade restrictions);

– luxury items;

– key oligarchs, businessmen, lobbyists and propagandists who promote Russia’s policy towards Ukraine and lead key companies in the military-industrial complex (personal sanctions);

It was a difficult positional battle for our diplomacy. But Ukraine won it. Another devastating blow to the economy and self-esteem of Russia. I am grateful to all EU Member States for this decision.

But we can’t stop there until we stop Putin. The offensive on the sanctions front will continue until Russia stops bombing our cities and committing war crimes against our people.

19:08 Ukrinform

The Foreign Ministers of Ukraine and Lithuania made a joint statement.

“Ministers condemn the barbaric aggression launched by the Russian Federation with the direct participation of the Republic of Belarus against a sovereign, peaceful and independent Ukraine. Lithuania and Ukraine demand that Russia immediately stop the unprecedented and unprovoked aggression on Ukraine’s borders “, the document states.

Ministers call on the international community to find a way to force Russia to: 

  • withdraw troops from peaceful nuclear facilities; 
  • introduce at least 30 kilometres of demilitarized zones around the NPP;
  • provide proper working conditions for staff, allow them to rest.

19:05 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Operational information as of 18.00, March 15 regarding the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The twentieth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion continues.

An offensive operation against Ukraine persists. The enemy failed to achieve the goal promptly and incurred losses in manpower and equipment.

Boldly ignoring the norms of international humanitarian law, the Russian invaders are launching missile and bomb attacks on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine, civilians, residential areas, schools and kindergartens. The facts of holding civilians hostage, robbing the local population and looting are recorded.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are fulfilling their tasks of repelling armed aggression against Ukraine. Deployed parts of the reserve in certain areas were regrouped and counterattacked.

Fighting continues for the liberation of the outskirts of Mariupol. Soldiers of the Azov Regiment defeated one of the units of the 22nd Special Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation.

In the Luhansk region, during the day, the defenders of Ukraine destroyed five MLRS BM-21 “Hrad” with ammunition to them, three T-72 tanks, one APC-3 and more than 15 enemy soldiers. Updated information is coming next.

Measures are being taken to cover the state border of Ukraine and the sea coast. Territorial defence performs its duties and tasks concerning stabilization operation in some areas.

The Ukrainian people continue to eradicate the russian invaders’ staff.

19:00 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

The emergency summit of NATO on Ukraine will take place in Brussels on March 24.

“I convened an extraordinary summit on March 24 at NATO Headquarters. We will consider Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, our strong support for Ukraine and further strengthening of NATO deterrence and defence. At this critical time, North America and Europe must continue to stand side by side”, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg tweeted.

18:58 Department of Physics and Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

On March 13, in Vorzel, Kyiv Region, the Russian military assassinated Vasyl Kladko, an experimental physicist and deputy director of the Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

18:26 Official statement from the Government of the United Kingdom.

The UK is imposing sanctions on March 15 against 370 people from Russia and Belarus, including Russian oligarchs and their families, Russian politicians and Putin’s propagandists.

The government estimates that the sanctioned oligarchs own assets totalling more than £ 100 billion.

18:03 Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Piotr Tolstoy

Russia is leaving the Council of Europe. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov delivered the relevant letter to the Secretary-General of the organization.

The Russian MP blamed NATO countries for Russia being at this stage. They allegedly used the topic of human rights to “pursue their geopolitical interests and attacks on Russia.”

“Due to the unprecedented political and sanctions pressure on our country, Russia does not plan to pay an annual contribution to this organization. I would like to emphasize that Russia is leaving the Council of Europe of its own accord. It is a well-considered and well-considered decision,” Tolstoy added.

Upon leaving the Council of Europe, Russia will denounce the European Convention on Human Rights, said the chairman of the International Committee of the State Duma, Leonid Slutsky.

17:29 Fox News

Fox News reported the death of its TV operator Pierre Zakrzewski. He died in the Kyiv region as a result of shelling by the Russian occupiers.

A Fox News presenter said Zakrzewski worked with TV channel journalist Benjamin Hall, whose injuries were reported on March 14. Their car came under fire in the Kyiv region. The presenter called the 55-year-old Zakrzewski a true legend and professional who covered the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

16:49 Russian state agency TASS

❗️ Russia has imposed sanctions on top US officials

The list includes Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Jan Psaki, Jake Sullivan, Hillary Clinton and Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin.

Source: Radio Svoboda

16:41 Mariupol City Council

The Russian occupiers took doctors and patients of the Regional Intensive Care Hospital as hostages.

Then there is a quote from one of the hospital staff: “It is impossible to leave the hospital as Russian troops shoot hard. So, we need to sit in the basement. Cars have not been able to drive to the hospital for two days. High-rise buildings are burning around. Russians rushed 400 people from neighbouring houses to our hospital. We can’t leave. “

The other day, the Russian occupiers practically destroyed the medical facility as the floor slabs fell in the main building from the bombing. But staff and patients adapted to work and be treated in the basement.

16:08 President Zelenskyy spokeat a meeting of the Joint Expeditionary Force chaired by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson. 

Ukrane’s President noted that European countries, especially those bordering Russia, are now not sure that the Alliance will not be afraid to react if Russian missiles and planes fly to them. After all, Russian state propagandists are already directly saying that the war against Ukraine is just the beginning, that other European countries will be next. This is not denied in the Kremlin.

We emphasize that we need new formats of interaction, new determination. And if we cannot enter NATO’s “open door”, then we must work with communities available, communities that will help us. Like yours. And have some guarantees. We would like to have reliable guarantees that will work for us. And also for you,” the President of Ukraine noted.

16:06 Ukraine’s Parliament extended the martial law in Ukraine until April 25, 2022, MP Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze informed.

15:48 Head of  Chernihiv regional prosecutor’s office Serhiy Vasylyna:

In the village of Mokhnatyn, near Chernihiv, the Russian occupiers shot three local teenagers. Two died for 17 years, one – 19, Suspilne reported.

14:00 State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience states that “Russian invasion destroys churches, mosques, synagogues and religious educational institutions in various regions of Ukraine”  – evidence with photos (in English). 

12:33 Security Service of Ukraine detained more than 60 collaborators in various regions of Ukraine and identified 20 sabotage and reconnaissance groups over the past 24 hours (March 14).

The Security Service also documents the crimes of Russian invaders in the temporarily occupied territories. It is recorded that they bring “prosecutors” from the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk region to villages in Luhansk region to create occupation punitive bodies.

12:04 Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: The occupying state plans mass deforestation of Ukrainian forests. This is stated in a letter from Russian Defense Minister Shoigu “On the possibility of slash on defense lands,” which is addressed personally to Putin.

The document aims to obtain a permit for the total clearance of Ukrainian “forests, trees, shrubs and greenery.” It is planned to cut down “any intensity and any age, regardless of ownership and category of land with the right to use the resulting wood.” At the same time, the letter states that wood not used for the needs of the Russian Armed Forces will be sold, and the proceeds will go to support the occupying army.

Today, without exception, all forests in the temporarily occupied territories are in the highest risk zone. The total slash of greenery is another terrible crime of the occupiers and the creation of an ecocide.

The last time this happened on the territory of Ukraine was during the Nazi occupation when the invaders destroyed and exported material and natural values.

10:40 Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Valentyn Reznichenko: At night, the enemy attacked the airport in Dnipro city. Two missile strikes – the runway was destroyed, the terminal was damaged. Large-scale destruction.

10:04 Deputy Mayor of Izium for Humanitarian Affairs Volodymyr Matsokin:

Izium town (Kharkiv region) is under siege for two weeks. Without water, without light, heat, food, medicine, communication.

The situation is no better than Mariupol. The enemy is insidiously shelling the road to Sloviansk, and the road from Kharkiv is controlled by the occupier. 

Izium URGENTLY needs humanitarian corridors on both sides (Kharkiv and Sloviansk) for the delivery of humanitarian goods and green corridors for the evacuation of citizens.

10:00 Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The operational situation on the diplomatic front as of 10:00, March 15

On the 20th day, Ukraine fiercely resists Russia’s armed aggression on all fronts, including diplomatic.

Every day of the war against Ukraine makes Russians poorer. The fourth package of EU sanctions is already approved at the ambassadorial level. The new sanctions will deal another destructive shock to Russia’s economy to oppress the Kremlin’s military machine.


🔺The EU Committee of Permanent Representatives has decided to approve the fourth package of sanctions against Russian individuals and legal personalities. As well as certain sectors of the Russian economy

🔺Japan has announced the freezing of active assets of 17 individuals from Russia. In total, Tokio has already imposed sanctions on 61 Russians for the war against Ukraine

🔺The United States has imposed sanctions on 11 people working in the Russian defense sector. In particular, the restrictions apply to the heads of the Russian Ministry of Defense

☑️Isolation of the Russian Federation

🔺Spain has confiscated a $ 140 million yacht owned by a Russian oligarch

🔺The Korean Air company has suspended passenger and freight traffic to Moscow and Vladivostok

🔺One of the largest US banks, Citigroup, will close its operations in several areas of the Russian market

🔺The European Aviation Safety Agency has suspended the licenses of dozens of Russian airlines, including products, spare parts, appliances, and training centers

☑️Humanitarian aid

🔺The United Nations will provide an additional $ 40 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

🔺Since the beginning of the war, international partners have provided more than $ 50 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

🔺The British government has launched a special website “Home for Ukraine” for those who are ready to accept Ukrainians forced to escape from Russian armed aggression. 43.8 thousand people have already expressed their readiness

🔺Russian criminals on the way behind bars

On March 16, the UN International Court of Justice will terminate the case of Ukraine v. Russia on charges of genocide under the Genocide Convention

09:53 Office of the Attorney General of Ukraine: 97 children died due to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

At least 5 children die under shelling every day.

Bombing and shelling damaged more than 400 educational institutions, 59 of which were completely destroyed.

09:45 Head of Rivne Military Administration Vitaliy Koval:

The death toll from a missile strike on March 14 on the Rivne TV tower rose to 19 people, and 9 more people were injured.

09:42 Serhiy Haidai, head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration:

In Rubizhne, Luhansk region, Russian invaders destroyed a residential care for the visually impaired children, a hospital and three schools. Four people were killed.

Also, in Luhansk region, there is no regime of silence – so there will be no humanitarian corridor today, Serhiy Haidai reported. 

“The Russian army wants more hostages of war among the civilian population and makes evacuation impossible. The shelling does not subside,’ he said.

09:06 Chairman of the Board of Ukrainian Railways Oleksandr Kamyshyn:

Ukrainian Railways starts nationalization of Russian train cars in Ukraine.

This became possible after the President signed the Law “On the Basic Principles of Compulsory Seizure of Property Rights of the Russian Federation in Ukraine”.

09:00 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 15.03 were approximately:

  • personnel -more 13500 
  • tanks ‒ 404
  • APV  ‒ 1279 
  • artillery systems – 150
  • MLRS – 64,
  • Anti-aircraft warfare systems – 36 
  • aircraft – 81 
  • helicopters – 95 
  • vehicles – 640 
  • boats / cutters – 3 
  • fuel tanks – 60,
  • UAV operational-tactical level – 9.

Data are being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.

03:48 Former Commanding General of the U.S. army in Europe Ben Hodges: “Russian forces will culminate within the next ten days if we maintain pressure on them…they have manpower problems and ammo shortages. Accelerate/expand support to UKR to destroy Russian arty, rockets, and cruise missiles. Now is the time to keep our foot on the gas., Hodges wrote on Twitter.

01:41 Head of Sumy Military Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi: The Russians bombed enterprises in Shostka in the Sumy region on March 14. It will be impossible to resume their work

00:15 Command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces: Occupiers’ UAVs already in NATO countries. Radar means of the Air Force recorded the fact of crossing the state border of Ukraine in the direction of Poland of a preliminary Russian UAV complex of “Outpost” type. 

The occupier’s drone first circled over the Yavoriv test site, apparently studying the consequences of the rocket attack in Lviv region, then delved into Poland, returned to Ukrainian airspace and was shot down by our air defense. Remains are sought.

In addition, there is information about the downing of the Orlan-10 UAV in neighboring Romania, which is in service of the Russian armed forces.

00:05  In Kharkiv, a car of Help Army volunteers came under fire near Gorky Park. A volunteer was killed and another wounded as a result of the shelling, Suspilne reported.