Russia attacks Ukraine: live update, March 2022


22:33 Joint Forces Operation: During the current day, the SES units involved in the Joint Forces operation made seven trips to eliminate the fires caused by the combat operations.

During the past 24 hours, on February 27, 63 people, including 11 children, were evacuated from the settlements of Sartana, Novotoshkivske, Severodonetsk, Svatove, Lebedynske and Voevodivka to safe places.

8 entries were made for the supply of basic necessities to the settlement of Shchastia and drinking water to the settlements of Severodonetsk, Shchastia, Svitlychne, Krasnohorivka, Maryinka, Gostre, Avdiivka, “Shakhta “Centralna”.

 Also, SES units were involved in dismantling the structures of the collapsed building as a result of hostilities in the village of Shchastia.

In total, 27 units of equipment and 79 personnel were involved in these works.

Due to the constant shelling by the Russian occupation forces, reconstruction work is not yet underway.

21:03 Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine: The international community must block Russian shipping

Ukraine has sent almost 50 appeals to the world’s leading maritime powers and associations with information about the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine and the facts of its gross violation of international maritime law. We demand to stop sea connections with Russian ports, as well as the service of Russian ships in foreign ports.

20:02 CinC AF of Ukraine:  By waging the bloody war in Ukraine, Russia is committing actions that are unjustifiable, both militarily and morally.

Killing civilians, shelling kindergartens, hospitals and homes, provoking environmental disasters, shooting school buses and blocking ambulances, using cruise missiles in housing estates – this is an incomplete list of war crimes committed by Russia’s top military and political leadership. Crimes that have no statute of limitations and for which there is no amnesty.

I want to draw the attention of the International community to the cynical systemic violation of International humanitarian law and human morality by the Russian Federation. War criminals must be tried by the International Criminal Court and face the most severe punishment for the suffering caused to the Ukrainian people.

19:49 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

The Russian-Ukrainian war continues for the sixth day. The Ukrainian nation is strongly resisting the Russian aggression. The enemy failed to achieve the goals quickly. The Russian occupiers have demonstrated to the world their cunning: rocket attacks, multiple rocket launchers and air strikes show that they are incapable of fighting the Ukrainian nation, which is ready for complete resistance. The “courage” of the occupiers is only in intimidating the civilian population and looting.

At the same time the Ukrainian Defenders in the Northern Region continue to conduct defensive battles on the occupied frontiers, with the task of preventing the enemy from advancing in the directions of the settlements of Kipty and Nizhyn.

Part of the forces continues to defend Chernihiv, fires the enemy by all available means and prevents the enemy from wedging into the city boundaries.

In Slobozhanshchyna units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct defensive battles on the occupied frontiers, inflict losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, and capture prisoners.

In the Prymorskyi direction our defenders continue to conduct a defensive operation in a certain area of responsibility.

The Kyiv Defense Group continues to fight and hold certain areas of defense, and part of the forces is preparing to perform suddenly emerging tasks.

Assault and artillery units have taken up defenses on the outskirts of the capital and are improving the fortification equipment of the positions. 

Territorial defense units strengthen the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and perform tasks on protection and defense of important infrastructure facilities of the capital. 

19:31 State Emergency Service of Ukraine: 5 people had been killed and 5 injured as a result of shelling of Kyiv TV tower. 

The video shows the consequences of another crime. And this proof is another nail in the coffin of the Kremlin’s piece of land. Because it is difficult to even call it a state – during these six days of the war there is no trace of statehood left”, states Ukraine’s SES.

19:18 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Information on the Russian invasion

Operational situation on the diplomatic front as of 7pm, 1st of March

Ukrainian diplomacy continues to engage on all diplomatic fronts in order to protect Ukraine and its people.

Today, the whole of Europe watched the Ukrainian President Zelensky’s address during the emergency session of the European Parliament.

Ukraine deserves full membership in the European Union already today 🇪🇺

Romania and Hungary joined the group of European countries which support Ukraine’s membership in the EU on a fast-track procedure.

☑️Military aid

🔺A new shipment of Javelin and NLAW anti-tank weapons has arrived in Ukraine

🔺The Government of Australia has approved 50 million dollars in military and technical aid for the Ukrainian Defense Force

☑️Financial aid

🔺Japan has approved additional 100 million dollars in aid for Ukraine. The total amount of aid from Japan amounts to 200 million US dollars

🔺The Estonian company Bolt has agreed to provide 1 million EUR in aid for Ukraine. The company plans to provide 4 million EUR more within the next 2 weeks

☑️Boycotting Russia

🔺Representatives of more than 50 nations walked out of the meeting room in protest during the speech by the foreign minister of Russian Federation in Geneva

🔺Greece is suspending all cultural events with the participation of the Russian Federation

🔺The American oil corporation Exxon Mobil is withdrawing all of its specialists from all Russian oil and gas projects

🔺The Danish company Moller-Maers, which carries out 20% of all cargo shipments in the world, has announced that it will no longer accept goods to be delivered to and from Russia

☑️Humanitarian aid

🔺Australia has approved 25 million dollars in humanitarian aid

🔺New Zealand has approved 2 million dollars in humanitarian aid for Ukrainians

🔺France has already sent 33 tons of humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Two more planes with medical aid will arrive today

🔺Additional humanitarian aid is on its way from Lithuania

18:32 The European Parliament by the vast majority approved a resolution urging EU member states to work towards granting Ukraine candidate status to join the EU. 

17:45 Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine:  Russia is preparing a deliberate provocation to justify the introduction of Belarusian troops.

According to available intelligence, there are now about 300 Belarusian tanks near the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

The convoy has not yet crossed the border and is waiting on the route Pinsk – Ivanovo – Drahichyn (approximately 30 km from the State Border of Ukraine).

Russia is expected to carry out a deliberate provocation to justify the planned attack by Belarusian troops.

17:19 Ministry of Finance of Ukraine: Ministry of Finance of Ukraine has placed military bonds worth UAH 8.1 billion.

17:09 Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs: The occupiers shot the broadcaster’s hardware on the TV tower in Kyiv

16:50 Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv region

As of 16:00, as a result of an air strike between the 2nd and 3rd entrances of a five-storey residential building (6 entrances in total) in Kharkiv, 8 people died and 6 were injured, 38 people were rescued (2 of them were released from the rubble). The work continues.

16:49 State Emergency Service: Today, on March 1, at 15:24, the enemy armored vehicle began firing on the tanker of rescuers of the 2nd fire department in Kherson while they were going to extinguish fire in the building of the shopping center “Factory” in Kherson. Six rescuers who were in the fire truck were forced to leave the attacked vehicle and found shelter almost a kilometer from the scene of the attack in the hospital.

Fortunately, none of the men were hurt, and the enemies have nothing to lose – they will burn in hell anyway.

16:16 Secretariat of the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Rome: Information has been received that Russian troops are preparing an air strike on the most important sanctuary of the Ukrainian people since the times of Kyivan Rus – St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

16:02 Ukrainian Pravda: ECHR ordered Russia to stop attacks and bombing of civilian objects in Ukraine. On 28 February, Ukraine applied to the ECHR for preliminary measures in accordance with Rule 39. This rule allows the Court to issue an order to any State party to the European Convention on Human Rights pending consideration of a complaint of violation of that convention. The order of the Court is binding.

15:56 Suspilne Kharkiv

An enemy plane bombing Kharkiv was shot down in Kharkiv. According to preliminary information from the head of Novobavarsky District Administration Tetyana Tsybulnyk, the plane crashed near the market “Losk”. This is the plane from which the bomb flew to a residential building on Novobavarsky Avenue, where they continue to rake up the debris. Previously: 8 people died in the house and nearby, 8 were injured.

15:55 – Dmytro Zhyvytskyy, Head of Sumy Regional State Administration

The first exchange of war prisoners in Sumy region took place! We exchanged our five people from the Armed Forces for one Russian military police officer.

15:46 National Guard of Ukraine

Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine together with units of the Armed Forces continue to fight with the Russian occupiers in Energodar area.

The enemy concentrated about 90 units of military equipment in the area of ​Dniprovka village. At the moment, the Russian unit has nowhere to retreat, so they are trying to get to Energodar and take position near the largest nuclear power plant in Europe – Zaporizhzhya NPP.

Realizing that the column will be completely destroyed, the occupiers are trying to take at least some minimally advantageous position and hope to make a breakthrough to the power plant to cover their location hoping that they will not be under fire.

This is another manifestation of the rather insidious tactics of the Russian army, which can disregard all norms of international humanitarian law, the lives of its servicemen and civilians.

Currently, the advanced group of 8 armored personnel carriers and 20 units of Russian vehicles have advanced from Dniprovka towards Energodar. However, they will face a harsh rebuff.

The Ukrainian military acts professionally and inflicts significant losses on the enemy.

15:52 Mariupol City Council

Today the army of terrorists of the Russian Federation cynically fired on residential areas of Mariupol. As a result of the military terrorist attack, several houses on Shevchenko Blvd. and school No.16 in the same area. In addition, residential buildings in Livoberezhnyy district, as well as the territory of Kommunalnyk were shelled again. The number of victims is being clarified.

“The occupiers from Russia are leading a real genocide of the Ukrainian people. Their actions are no different from the tactics of the fascist-nazi troops, which from 1941 to 1943 occupied and besieged entire cities. They are no different from the nazis, who ruthlessly killed women and children. Almost 80 years ago, Ukraine repulsed nazi attacks. Let’s fight back now. We will expel from our land the occupiers who are killing the civilian population of our cities. This is an inhuman, cruel and incredibly vile act. We will never forget and we will never forgive” said Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko.

15:19 Ukrainian Pravda: Russian Defense Ministry threatens to strike at facilities in Kyiv and urges people “Ukrainian citizens who are involved by Ukrainian nationalists to carry out provocations against Russia, as well as Kyiv residents living near the relay nodes to leave their homes” –  clumsily explain that this is an inform attack

15:17 Suspilne

During the shelling of the city, shells fell on the territory of hospital No.3 in Novobaravsky district, Svitlana Gorbunova-Ruban, deputy mayor of Kharkiv, confirmed to Suspilne.

“Everyone who lived there was evacuated. There are people without permanent residence, whom we settled there to take care of. Nine people are being taken to another hospital, we will accept them.”

Yuriy Sorokolat, director of the city’s health department: “The only thing I know is that the doctors and medical staff were not injured. Patients were not injured either. We will now transfer 9 homeless patients to hospital No.31.”

14:38 State Emergency Service of Ukraine: Operational information. Mykolaiv region

Currently, firefighters of the 7th Fire and Rescue Department are extinguishing fire in the store – furniture warehouse on Soborna Street of Bashtanka. At 13:00 it was notified about the fire on the special line 101, it happened during the artillery shelling. At 13:23 the fire was localized, liquidation continues.

14:37 Center for Countering Disinformation.

Official address of the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov:

⁃ On the sixth day of the Ukrainian National Resistance makes devastating strikes in response to the Russian occupation army, which the Kremlin considered invincible.

⁃ Russia’s Blitzkrieg was completely defeated.

⁃ All Russian military and political leadership of the Russian Federation has unquestionable prospects for the Hague Tribunal for crimes against Ukraine and its people.

⁃ The enemy is on the verge of exhaustion, while Ukraine is getting stronger every day, as is Ukraine’s support from the world’s most influential countries.

⁃ Russia is a terrorist country left in blatant loneliness, without allies, without honor and dignity! No one will go unpunished.

Let’s fight, hold on!

Glory to Ukraine!


14:07 Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security: Key theses from the President Zelenskyy address to the European Parliament: 

  •  Today we give for values, for rights, for freedom, just for the desire to be equal, the same as you – we give our best people, most hearty,  the strongest  Ukrainians.
  •  There is such an expression: the Ukrainian choice of Europe. I would very much like to see Europe’s choice of Ukraine today.
  •  Kharkiv today. Dozens of victims – that’s the price of freedom. We are just fighting for our land and for our freedom. And no one will enter our freedom and our state.
  •  Nobody will break us. We are strong. We are Ukrainians.
  •  We want our children to live. Yesterday 16 children died. Will Putin say again that this is some kind of operation there and they are only hitting the military infrastructure? Where are our children, at which military plants do they work ?! On which missiles are they, on which tanks ?!
  •  We are fighting for our rights, freedoms, for life. And now we are fighting for survival. And this is our main motivation. But we are also fighting to be equal members of Europe.
  •  Today we show everyone that that’s what we are. With us, the European Union will definitely be stronger. Without you, Ukraine will be lonely.
  •  We have proved our strength. We have proven that we are just like you. Prove that you are with us. Prove that you do not let us go. Prove that you are truly European.
  •  And then life will overcome death, and light – darkness. Glory to Ukraine!

13:55 Chernihiv Regional State Administration

About an hour ago, the occupiers fired BM-21 Grad at Masany neighborhood and Myru Avenue on the way out of Chernihiv in the direction of Ripky.

Rescuers are currently working there.

A request to all: do not interfere with their work and do not touch the shells!

13:38 Ukraine’s Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov: According to available data, the Russian occupiers are preparing to launch a large-scale information and psychological operation in the near future.

Its goal is to break the resistance of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian army with the help of lies.

Initially, they plan to arrange communication channels disconnection. 

After that, there will be a lot of fake reports that the Ukrainian military-political leadership seems to have agreed to surrender.

Supposedly signed “documents”, as well as edited fake videos will be distributed to “confirm” this fake.

THIS IS A LIE. Don’t count on it!

There will be no surrender! Only victory!

Warn everyone you can.

Many of those who expected to take Kyiv in 2-3 days are already in hell.

Let’s hold the weapon firmly! We continue to resist!

Glory to Ukraine!

13:11 Reuters reports that the Swiss-based company which built the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany is considering filing for insolvency, two sources familiar with the situation said, as it attempts to settle claims ahead of a U.S. sanction deadline for other entities to stop dealings with it.

13:00 State Emergency Service of Ukraine: On March 1, 2022, at around 12:00 the village of Dachne of Odesa rayon was shelled. As a result a gas pipeline and about 9 private houses were damaged and a private garage caught fire, as a result of which 1 person died and 2 were injured. The information is being clarified.

12:56 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Operational information on 12.00, 01.03.2022 regarding #russian_invasion 

The Russian occupier has reduced the pace of the offensive but is still trying to develop the pace of the offensive in certain areas in the offensive against Ukraine.

The sixth day of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine continues.

Columns of armored vehicles of the Russian aggressors slowed down the pace of the offensive and have problems with security in Ukraine. Enemy troops are deprived of a systematic supply of fuel and ammunition.

Unsuccessful in capturing the oblasts centers of Kharkiv and Chernihiv, the occupiers fired rockets at residential areas of these cities.

In addition, the Russian occupiers continue to surround the Ukrainian cities of Sumy, Lebedyn and Okhtyrka, the enemy is regrouping in order to continue the offensive in the direction of Kyiv.

In the Donetsk region, enemy troops with forces 1, 2 Army Corps units and the 8 Army of the Armed Forces of Russian Federation with the artillery support of the RF Armed Forces focused their efforts on capturing the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, to no avail. The goal of reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions was not achieved.

In the Tavriya direction, the enemy reached the border with the available forces in the areas of the settlements of Skadovsk, Hola Prystan, Kherson, and Nova Kakhovka. After regrouping the offensive in the direction of Mykolayiv continues.

There were cases of robberies and looting by the occupiers in the areas of Bucha, Gostomel, Nova Basan.

Despite the fact that the russian federation is a state party to the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War, its armed forces and the terrorist groups it supports continue to systematically and defiantly violate the norms of international humanitarian law in Ukraine.

Having lost offensive capabilities, the enemy concentrated on the encirclement of the city of Kyiv.

As of 12.00 on 01.03.2022, the approximate losses of weapons and military equipment of the enemy of the RF Armed Forces were: aircraft – 29 units, helicopters – 29 units, tanks – 198 units, AFV – 846 units, artillery systems – 77, air defence – 7 units, MLRS – 24 units, UAV – 3 units, vehicles – 305 units, fuel tanks – 60, ships, boats – 2.

12.40. State Border Guard Service of Ukraine:  We are working to get Zmiinyy island defenders back home as soon as possible. 

On February 26, Russian media reported that troops from the island had been taken to occupied by Russia Sevastopol. Analyzing the video materials distributed by the Russian Federation, we  together with colleagues from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, identified the majority of our servicemen. Of course, the Russian Federation is trying to use them in its information propaganda, and we are well aware that captivity is a place that does not have the best effect on fellow human beings.

We have now joined international humanitarian missions to get a list of all the guys who are with the enemy.

It should be noted that the information about the 13 dead border guards was announced on the basis of preliminary data obtained at the time of the enemy’s attack on the island, after which communication was lost. We tried to check the fate of border guards and soldiers of the Armed Forces by involving a civilian ship of the Sapphire Maritime Search and Rescue Service, which was leaving to carry out a humanitarian mission. However, together with the crew, it was illegally captured by the occupiers.

We emphasize: Ukraine does not abandon its own.

We will do our best to bring them home.

12:25 President Zelenskyy: I decided to appoint a professional military man as the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration during the war. To guarantee the defense of the city. To block the enemy’s approaches to our capital. That the people of Kyiv had everything they needed. The head of the military administration will be General Mykola Zhernov.

9.55 – Ministry of Defense of Ukraine – Ukrainian operators cut off communication to the occupiers, blocking access to phones with Russian numbers to their networks.

Communication is one of the key elements of effective combat.

Having lost the opportunity to call from their numbers, the occupying forces are increasingly taking away phones from citizens.

We call on Ukrainians whose mobile phones have been confiscated by representatives of the enemy troops to inform the operator as soon as possible and ask them to block the stolen phone. We understand that doing this when the phone is taken away is not an easy task.

However, this is very important – find neighbors who have a phone, use a landline – it depends on the security of our state and the lives of Ukrainians.

8.53 – During the day, employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine left 44 times on the “Alarm” signal. Of these, 25 exits to eliminate fires (19 in the city and 6 in the region). 10 departures to provide assistance to the population, 10 – other departures.

In addition, pyrotechnic units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine carried out demining work: 69 explosive devices were neutralized.

During the day, 24 fires caused by enemy shelling were eliminated.

8.05 Igor Kolykhaev, Kherson Mayor

First day of spring. Kherson is still Ukraine, and this is the first good news this morning.

Not much changes since the night: the city was not shelled – and this is the second good message.

I am ready to perform my direct duties. Today, the number one task remains to control the work of shops, pharmacies, etc. All city functions are in the normal mode: cleaning, garbage collection, transport.

Yesterday we opened accounts for the financial support of the city and people from all over the world began to provide us with it. But the most valuable thing in these transfers is not even the amounts (and they are different – from 100 UAH to several tens of thousands), but the purpose of payment: “Kherson in the heart”, “Hold on, dear ones”, “Go away Russian ship …”. ..

We will stand up to anything. Because it’s in our blood! We remain wise – we do not provoke uninvited guests, we keep calm for the sake of our city and the safety of people.

Kherson, I love you! Our flag is Ukrainian

9.47 Kyivstar

Kyivstar has made the home Internet free


In these difficult times for Ukrainians, we make every effort to keep you connected and up to date. Therefore, the Home Internet service will run at a limited speed, even if you could not pay for it. However, if you have such an opportunity, please pay at your rate so that we can continue to maintain and restore the network.

Users with insufficient funds will still be notified of the suspension. So please do not pay attention to this SMS.

9.39 МВС України 

Ситуація щодо російського вторгнення 

Втрати ворога


8.49 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

The total estimated losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 01.03 as of 06:00 were: :

In personnel – 5710 осіб

Prisoners – 200.

Destroyed and damaged:

aircraft  – 29, 

helicopters  – 29, 

tanks‒ 198, 

APV ‒ 846, 

artillery systems– 77, 

Anti-aircraft warfare systems – 7,

MLRS – 24, 

fuel tanks – 60, 

UAV operational and tactical level – 3, 

boats– 2 одиниці, 

Vehicles – 305.  

Data are being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities. 


7.49 Reznikov Alexey

Dear Ukrainians!

122 years of resistance.

On the fifth day of the intervention, the Russian occupiers were unable to conceal that they were in agony.

The barbaric rocket attacks and the multiple launch rocket system of peaceful cities are evidence that they are no longer able to fight armed Ukrainians. Only with the peaceful, like the last cowards.

This is a war crime. Its direct performers and organizers are doomed for the rest of their existence to bear the brand of murderers and hide. They are awaiting trial.

It will be fair if a special international tribunal is established in Kharkiv. By the way, it was in Kharkiv in 1943 that the first trial took place, as a result of which the nazis were convicted of war crimes.

Now the Kharkiv tribunal must sentence the Kremlin’s followers of Hitler, who have already “surpassed” him.

Thanks to the heroism of our defenders, new fronts are opening up, where the enemy is suffering losses. I want to celebrate our boys and girls in the east. They have become an insurmountable barrier for the enemy, which demoralizes him terribly.

On the economic front, Russia has already suffered devastating destruction. Russian currency is converted into ordinary paper. There is the first ban on Russian oil exports.

The international IT community joined in the destruction of the occupying army.

The supply of weapons and everything necessary from Europe is increasing.

Even Ukrainian schoolchildren went on the offensive on the cyber front.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Russia have already learned that the government is lying to them. That there is no “special operation”. There is the usual war of aggression. On which thousands of Russians died. Resistance to war within Russia itself is growing by the hour.

These days, Ukrainians are showing Russians how free people differ from slaves, and that citizens differ from those enslaved by tyrants. Those who have been obsessed with the rabid maniac for years are now doomed to decades of redemption.

Ukraine will win!

Glory to the Ukrainian Army!

Glory to Ukraine!

7.34 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Operational information on 06.00, 01.03.2022 regarding the #russian_invasion 

 From the beginning of the day, the enemy regrouped troops and fired missiles and bombs from the air. He attempted to land tactical landings. Widely uses sabotage and reconnaissance teams to attack civilian and military infrastructure.

Defensive battles continue in the Siverskyi region in order to prevent the enemy from advancing to the capital from the north-eastern direction.

In the suburbs of Chernihiv, the appearance of separate enemy DRGs was noted, which, with the support of armoured vehicles, tried to break into the city, but were destroyed by Ukrainian defenders.

In other areas, tank and mechanized units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the support of aircraft and artillery, continue to conduct defensive battles on the occupied borders. Fire defeat of the enemy by all available means is carried out.

In Slobozhanshchyna, mechanized brigades and BTGs of Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the operational group are destroying the manpower and military equipment of the russian occupiers, who are trying to get in and restore the position on the first line of defence.

The Kyiv Defence Forces continues to defend the city, maintain the outer borders of the defence and critical state infrastructure, preventing the occupation units from approaching the suburbs of the capital. Active measures are being taken to identify and destroy the DRG of the enemy, who, ignoring the norms of international humanitarian law, disguises himself in the military uniform of the Armed Forces, National Guard and National Police of Ukraine to penetrate Kyiv through the combat formations of our troops.

The steady defence of our troops rapidly lowers the morale of the enemy and his will to win. Cases of desertion and voluntary captivity by entire units have been reported.

Thanks you for the work of our Air Force. In the last day alone, they destroyed 5 planes of the russian aggressor. About the total losses of the enemy a little later.

Victory will be ours! Evil must be punished! Glory to Ukraine!


5.01 Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces

“Ghosts of Kyiv” will now become more!

+70 planes for the Ukrainian army!

Our partners give us the MiG-29 and Su-25! If necessary, they will be able to be based on Polish airfields from which Ukrainian pilots will perform combat missions.

🇧🇬 Bulgaria (MiG-29) – 16 pcs

🇧🇬 Bulgaria (Su-25) – 14 pcs

🇮🇩 Poland (Mig-29) – 28 pcs

🇸🇰 Slovakia (Mig-29) – 12 pcs

Glory to Ukraine!

1.51 State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine

❗️ Mobile and Internet interruptions are possible in places where hostilities are taking place / have taken place.

This is due to the fact that the infrastructure of the operators may suffer as a result of our heroic resistance.

The National Center for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunications Networks of the State Special Service promptly monitors and controls the situation 

The State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, as the Communications Administrator of Ukraine, fruitfully cooperates with mobile operators and Internet providers.

Communication is extremely important in the current situation in Ukraine.

In addition, mobile operators are currently recording heavy loads on the network, so there may be interruptions in communication.

Keep in touch, everything will be Ukraine

00.58 Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces



The occupiers have now forced politicians to scold the emperor live. Even those who have never done that say the empire of evil has crossed all borders, and the whole world sees it!

And rest assured, the empire will be punished for crimes against humanity! Especially for the houses destroyed today in Brovary, Vasylkiv, Bila Tserkva and Tokmak, for the shelling of Kharkiv by “tornadoes”, for schools and kindergartens, for killed and wounded civilians, children.

Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces has already punished the occupiers today, the Russian troops have suffered huge losses from air strikes, anti-aircraft missile forces and unmanned aerial vehicles.

During the provocative air raids of the occupiers on Vasylkiv and Brovary, Ukrainian fighter pilots intercepted and shot down two Russian planes.

The work of Ukrainian fighters was completed by a anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, hitting three planes of the occupiers. So the Air Force shot down five fighters. According to preliminary data, these are Su-30 and Su-35.

An anti-aircraft missile system “Buk” M-1 shot down a cruise missile and an enemy helicopter near Kyiv.

Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft worked in units and pairs and fired several missile and bomb strikes at columns of armored vehicles and enemy manpower in Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions.

Bomber aircrafts also worked successfully. The Su-24m of the Air Force inflicted at least four devastating bombardments on tank columns, columns of mechanized equipment, motor convoys with fuel and lubricants in the Chernihiv region and near Berdyansk.

Well, traditionally, once again we celebrate the jewelry work of the crews of Bayraktar TB2. This time – three targets – an enemy tank and two anti-aircraft missile systems “Buk” occupiers!


Let’s keep the defense!

Let’s fight back!

Ukraine is above all! 

00:53 International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC: I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation into the Situation in Ukraine, as rapidly as possible. Ukraine is not a State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or the “Court”), so cannot itself refer the situation to my Office. But it has twice exercised its prerogatives to legally accept the Court’s jurisdiction over alleged crimes under the Rome Statute occurring on its territory, should the Court choose to exercise it. I have reviewed the Office’s conclusions arising from the preliminary examination of the Situation in Ukraine, and have confirmed that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with opening an investigation.

00.08 Ukrinform

Canada will completely abandon the purchase of Russian oil due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. According to Ukrinform, this was stated by the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau in Ottawa. “Today we announce our intention to ban all crude oil imports from Russia. “President Putin and his oligarchs have benefited greatly from this industry, which provides more than a third of Russia’s federal budget revenue,” Trudeau said. He added that “in recent years, Canada has imported small amounts of Russian oil, but this step will send a strong message.”