Russia attacks Ukraine: live update, March 2022

Kuleba on talks with IAEA: We will fight for Russia’s attempts to gain a foothold in our nuclear facilities

“I told Mr. Grossi, the director of the IAEA: “And why, I apologize for my diplomacy, will the Russian nuclear regulator take part in consultations on Ukraine’s nuclear power plant? If you are principled people, if you stand for certain rights, then you must tell the Russians: “Kish. Go beyond nuclear facilities, demilitarize nuclear facilities and hand them over to the control of Ukrainian and IAEA specialists,” the minister said.


23:58 video interview 

Kyrylo Budanov – Head of Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine – for Ukrinform

Russia is preparing two versions of nuclear blackmail. The first is large-scale burning of radioactive forests. This will immediately raise a radioactive cloud, which will go in the direction where the wind blows. The second is the use of artillery on nuclear storage. The result will be the same.

23:20 Ukrainska Pravda with reference to @operativnoZSU – Telegram

The Russian military in Ukraine is covered by Red Cross flags.

23:07. About 100 thousand jobs lost by Russians as a result of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and sanctions of the western partners, – the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

22:50 Radio Svoboda

Energoatom Chairman Petro Kotin: The Russians who seized the Zaporizhzhya NPP have stated that it is owned by Rosatom and no longer belongs to Ukraine. Their goal is to capture all nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

22:55 Facebook Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The International Maritime Organization has condemned Russia’s attacks on commercial vessels

“Following the meeting, the Council strongly condemned Russia’s violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as Russia’s military attacks on commercial vessels. It called for the full restoration of Ukraine’s rights as a coastal state, flag state and port state, emphasizing the need to establish a maritime humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of civilian ships and crews from the war zone and the resumption of commercial shipping” ,- the statement said.

“The Council also called on the member states of the International Maritime Organization and relevant organizations to ensure the security of maritime supply chains, in particular for the delivery of food and medicine to the civilian population of Ukraine, and to provide maximum assistance to seafarers,” the statement said.

22:42 Ukrinform

Biden warned Putin of the harsh consequences of using chemical weapons. “Russia will pay a heavy price if they use chemical weapons,” he said.

22:06 Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba: “As of today, we Ukrainians know 100% that we will become a member of the EU. The only question is when this will happen,” said Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, European Pravda reports.

21:37 NV

In Mykolaiv, active hostilities have begun.

The occupiers are firing chaotically, there are fires in the city,the head of the regional state administration of Mykolaiv Vitaliy Kim reported. Preliminary, one man received shrapnel wounds, two shells hit residential buildings, another hit a boiler room, and a fire broke out in a cafe in the city. Also reported a car fire.

21:33 Radio Svoboda

According to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the new sanctions imposed by the EU include:

  • abolition of Russia’s status as the “most favoured nation” for European markets, termination of Russia’s right to membership in international financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank;
  • further pressure on Russian elites close to Vladimir Putin; Ministers of Finance, Justice and Home Affairs of the Group of Seven are expected to meet next week to coordinate work in this direction;
  • blocking Russia’s use of cryptocurrency to circumvent sanctions;
  • ban on the export of any luxury goods from the European Union to Russia;
  • ban on imports of iron and steel from Russia.

21:08 The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy released a video calling for closing the skies over Ukraine or providing Kyiv with fighter jets. A futuristic video shows a Russian plane dropping a bomb on the French capital, and states: “Just think if it happened in another European capital.”

21:06 The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The German thrust Deutsche Bahn (DB) has organized a logistics network of road and rail components to deliver humanitarian aid from Germany to Ukraine.

Initially, the goods are collected and transported to the Berlin hub using trucks, where they are packed in containers and then transported by DB Cargo freight train to Poland for further transportation to Ukraine.

20:50 Ukrposhta

“Ukrposhta” has chosen a sketch of the stamp “Russian ship, go to f*ck yourself!”

20:40 Ukrainska Pravda, the primary source–UN

The UN has evidence of the use of cluster munitions by the Russian military in Ukraine.

“We have also received credible reports of several cases of cluster munitions being used by Russian forces, including in populated areas,” said Liz Throssell, a spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

19:45 Facebook Head of Sumy Military Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi:

104 Russian invaders were taken prisoner in the Sumy region last night

19:26 Head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleg Syniehubov

Russia today thwarted an evacuation from Izium (Kharkiv region). We prepared 20 buses and everything we needed. A “green corridor” was created, but due to the shelling of the occupiers, it was never launched.

18:54 Twitter Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd removes its music on digital platforms in Russia and Belarus

“In order to strongly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pink Floyd’s works starting with 1987 and all of David Gilmore’s solo recordings will be removed from all digital platforms in Russia and Belarus from today,” Pink Floyd said in a statement.

18:53 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

The sixteenth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion continues.

The enemy continues to conduct an offensive operation against Ukraine.

At the same time, the Russian invaders did not achieve the main goal of capturing certain cities and territories. There is a high probability that Russia will intensify terrorist methods of hostilities, launch missile and bomb strikes on civilian infrastructure, residential areas, intimidate the local population, conduct informational, psychological actions to undermine public confidence in local government, dissemination of misinformation, take the local population hostage.

Units of the occupying forces did not stop trying to continue the offensive in all directions. To do this, Russian troops form and reconcile reserves in the Russian Federation. A significant part of Russian units is restoring combat capability.

The enemy is trying to establish logistical support for units and units conducting hostilities.

The Russian occupiers continue to conduct air reconnaissance of the positions of our troops in the Donetsk, Tavriya, Pivdennobuzhsky and Bessarabian operational areas.

To involve the Republic of Belarus in the war against Ukraine, the enemy resorted to provocative actions. According to available information, the aircraft of the Air Force of the Russian Federation struck the settlements on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, located near the state border of Ukraine. In order to disguise, the occupiers attacked from the airspace of Ukraine.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, in close cooperation with other components of the security and defense sector, are repelling the occupiers, inflicting significant losses on manpower and military equipment.

The moral and psychological state of the enemy is extremely low. In some areas the occupiers surrender.

18:49 Interfax-Ukraine

Rosatom takes part in seizure of Zaporizhzhya NPP – Energoatom chairman Petro Kotin

“Today a group of civilians arrived at Energodar, among whom we identified the chief engineer of the Rostov NPP and the deputy chief engineer of the Balakovo NPP.

There were eight other people trying to take the leadership of ZNPP into their own hands. They were not allowed there, but all these cases show that Rosatom also took part in this aggression and is practically raiding now, trying to seize and control the nuclear power plant.”

18:43 Evropeiska pravda

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, signed a decree banning the supply of dollar bills to the Russian Federation.

The relevant decree is posted on the White House website.

18:34 Agropravda

The war in Ukraine remains a major factor impacting world wheat prices. Analysts do not understand when Russia will stop the attack and to what extent grain exports from major wheat-exporting countries will resume.

In a March report, USDA experts raised the forecast for world production and wheat stocks.

18:28 Obozrevatel

New US sanctions:

  • ban on imports of Russian alcohol, diamonds and seafood;
  • ban on the export of luxury items;
  • blocking the possibility of receiving funds from the IMF and other financial institutions;
  • personal sanctions against State Duma deputies.

18:21 Ukrainska Pravda

1582 civilians from Mariupol were killed by Russian occupation forces in 12 days of blockade of the city and ruthless shelling of residential neighbourhoods. The bright memory of those killed in this terrible war.

18:19 NV

According to preliminary data, Belarusian troops may be involved in the invasion on March 11 at 21:00. At the same time, the Belarusian Ministry of Defense stated that there was no bombing.

17:47 Evropeiska pravda

US President Joe Biden has announced that the United States is revoking Russia’s “most favoured nation” status, which provides for continued normal trade relations with the United States.

“Withdrawal of status will make it difficult for Russia to do business with the United States. And by doing so with other countries that make up half of the world’s economy, we are dealing another devastating blow to Russia’s economy, which is already suffering severely from our sanctions,” Biden said.

17:25 Obozrevatel

The European Union is ready to adopt a fourth package of sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. The EU has also provided EUR 300 million in emergency macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

This was stated by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. She announced new sanctions against Russia after the informal EU summit in France.

16:52 NV

The mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov was abducted by the occupiers, said the adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko. Earlier, Fedorov refused to cooperate with the Russian occupiers.

“In Melitopol, a group of 10 occupiers kidnapped Mayor Ivan Fedorov, who refused to cooperate with the enemy. During the abduction, invaders put a plastic bag on the mayor’s head. Enemies detained him in the city crisis centre, where he dealt with the livelihood of the Ukrainian city. Ivan Fedorov had a Ukrainian flag, “Gerashchenko said.

16:45 Radio Svoboda

The site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant received additional diesel fuel for spent nuclear fuel storage and confinement, according to the State Inspectorate for Nuclear Patrol.

16:27, the source—Reuters

The Ukrainian energy system is ready to be synchronized with the ENTSO-E continental European energy system. The final decision may be made shortly.

After synchronization with ENTSO-E, Ukraine will be able to provide 15% of its daily electricity consumption through imports from Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

16:01. Air Force Command of the UA Armed Forces

Today at 2:30 pm the SBGS reported that Russian planes entered the territory of Ukraine, 

made a U-turn over our settlements HORODYSCHE and TUMEN, and then inflicted a fire damage on the settlement of KOPANI (Belarus).

Now the 9th Border Detachment is watching the occupation of this settlement by the enemy.

This is a provocation. The goal is to involve the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus in the war with Ukraine.

15:39 source Ukrainska Pravda

Maxim Kryshtop at the press conference: “My third combat flight was on March 6. There were 4 tons of high-explosive aircraft bombs on board.During the combat mission, I realized that the target was not the enemy’s military facilities, but houses and civilians, but I obeyed the criminal order. Then I was shot down by the Air Defense of Ukraine and taken prisoner by the military of the National Guard of Ukraine.”

14:45. Pavlo Kazarin, journalist:

My friend Petro Andryushchenko writes from Mariupol: «Right now 86 Turkish citizens are taking refuge in a mosque. 34 of them are children. And right now the Russian army is shelling from the area of ​​the village of Shiroka Balka in the direction of the city (without a break from 6 o’clock in the morning). Shelling is aimed at including the mosque building.»

14:41. State Special Communications

The government’s Computer Emergency Response Team CERT-UA, which operates under the auspices of the State Special Communications Service, has revealed the distribution of fake e-mails on behalf of the state bodies of Ukraine with instructions to increase information security.

In the body of the letter there is a link to the website hxxps://forkscenter [.]fr/, from which it is proposed to download “critical updates” in the form of a file “BitdefenderWindowsUpdatePackage.exe” about 60MB in size.

This file is run by the “alt.exe” boot loader, which installs a number of files.The study determined that running the downloaded file “one.exe” will damage your computer with the malicious program Cobalt Strike Beacon.

If you have received or opened the specified letter, immediately notify [email protected].

14:15. Suspilne

Russian troops can enter Odessa from unrecognized Transnistria and surround the city. At the same time there may be an attack from the sea. The mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov announced this at a briefing for foreign media.

“The aggressor plans to take our city via Voznesensk from Transnistria. In this way the city will be cut off and surrounded. We also assume that, perhaps, at this time the landing ships of the Russian Federation will approach and will surround our city from the sea “, – Trukhanov reported.

According to him, the city is preparing for a situation where it may be surrounded. To do this, form strategic reserves of food and medicine.

13:34 Minister of Culture O. Tkachenko

“Today is another confirmation that Nazism is flourishing in Russia. Goebbels of Russia – Dmitry Peskov – said, quoting verbatim: “A real Russian is not ashamed that he is Russian – and if he is ashamed, he is not Russian and not with us.” From a philological point of view, this delusion can be reduced to one thesis: the real Russian is not ashamed. From a philological point of view, this delusion can be reduced to one thesis: true Russian is not ashamed. Never for nothing. … Based on the history of mankind, such statements can be assessed as National Socialism, because Nazism is a totalitarian political ideology based on the thesis of the value of the nation and its supremacy in the process of state formation.

It is about Russians as “saviors of the planet” that Russian propaganda channels tell. At the same time, the audience is pumped with hatred for other countries. These are not Orwellian two minutes of hatred. This lasts 24 hours a day. But the detachments of Kadyrovites, who do not allow the demoralized Russians to escape from the battlefield, are another story – the Soviet one. It seems to me that fascist Russia has amassed the worst in human history. There are probably only concentration camps left. Because the crematoria are already working.”

13:28 Reports Ukrinform with reference to Interfax (RU)

At a meeting of the Russian Security Council, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the development of measures to increase the Russian group on the country’s western borders, against NATO countries.

13:19 Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Putin is preparing a terrorist attack on the Chornobyl NPP

According to available information, Vladimir Putin has ordered the preparation of a terrorist attack at the Chornobyl NPP.

The Russian-controlled Chornobyl NPP plans to create a man-made catastrophe, for which the occupiers will try to shift responsibility to Ukraine.

Nevertheless, such actions by Putin will have catastrophic consequences for the whole world. 

It seems that this is what the Russian dictator is counting on, demanding unacceptable concessions.

12:59. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine protests against the unfounded, politically motivated decision of the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don of March 10, 2022 to sentence five citizens of Ukraine on trumped-up charges in the so-called “The second Simferopol group” Hizb ut-Tahrir “.

Crimean Solidarity public journalist Remzi Bekirov and human rights activist Riza Izotov were sentenced to 19 years in prison, Shaban Umerov to 18 years, Raim Aivazov to 17 years, and Farkhod Bazarov to 15 years.

12:56-13:23. Yuriy Pohulyayko / Volyn Regional State Administration

Update on missile strikes at the airfield near Lutsk. As a result of strikes there are 4 dead and 6 wounded. 

According to the military, the shelling took place with 4 cruise missiles. According to the command, they may have been released from a Russian army bomber from the Black Sea region.

12:51. Ukrainska Pravda

Peskov said that the Kremlin would check whether Facebook and Instagram really allowed calls for violence against occupying soldiers in the context of the invasion of Ukraine.

If this is confirmed, the Kremlin promises to “resolutely stop their activities.” Meanwhile, Facebook is not working in Russia, it was blocked a week ago.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia Federation is asking to limit access to Instagram and has appealed to the court to recognize Meta as an extremist organization.

12:39. EP

The Leroy Merlin network, part of the French group Adeo, will continue to operate in the Russian market despite the aggressor’s war and mass boycotts of business. This was reported by Russia’s Interfax with reference to a letter to partners at the disposal of the editorial office.

12:27. General Staff

Operational information on 12:00, 11.03.2022 regarding the #russian_invasion 

The sixteenth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion continues.

The enemy, having suffered losses in the Polissya, Siversky, and Pivdennobuzhsky operational districts, was stopped, tried to gain a foothold, and was forced to do so on unfavorable frontiers. In the Donetsk direction, during the fierce fighting, the defenders of Ukraine repulsed the enemy, the pace of the invasion of the invaders slowed down.

Kyiv and Mariupol remain the main areas of concentration of the enemy’s efforts, as well as advances in the directions of Kryvyi Rih, Kremenchuk, Nikopol and Zaporizhia.

Unable to succeed, the enemy continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on cities in the depths of Ukraine – the Dnieper, Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk.

The formation of enemy reserves and their transfer to the areas of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine continues.

There is an increase in the air defense system of the occupying forces in the Donetsk and Tavriya areas.

In Volyn, there is a threat of sabotage of military and civilian infrastructure. 

The occupiers are not conducting active offensive operations in the Polissya direction. Measures are being taken to restore the combat capability of units.

As a result of active, coordinated actions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the defense forces, the enemy suffered significant losses, which forced him to retreat from the previously captured settlements of Kyiv region.

In the northern direction, active offensive operations by the enemy are not carried out. In some areas, the enemy carried out raids and reconnaissance of the positions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy kept Sumy surrounded and partially blocked Kharkiv from the north. Conducts regrouping of troops.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the occupiers did not abandon attempts to capture the cities of Mariupol and Severodonetsk, and were unsuccessful. Plans to establish control over Mykolayiv and advance towards Zaporizhia and Kryvyi Rih have not been implemented by the enemy. Due to significant losses, the invaders are forced to turn to defense and try to provide comprehensive support.


Dmytro Lunin, Temporary Acting Head of Poltava Regional State Administration 

An enemy missile was shot down in the sky over Poltava region.

12:07. Ukrainska Pravda

In Kharkiv, about 350 houses were left without heating due to the shelling. People will be relocated to surviving schools, but almost 50 schools have been destroyed.

12:03 Head of Sumy Regional State Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi

In Okhtyrka, the CHP and power substation are completely destroyed, there is no heat carrier in the city.

Water supply, sewerage and electricity supply are interrupted.

There is no connection with two settlements – Trostyanets and Krasnopillya, so the situation there is currently unknown. 

More than 100 subscribers remain without gas supply in Sumy, more than 300 – in Okhtyrka, single – in Konotop, Kyrylivka, Krasnopillya, Pysarivka village of Krasnopil district. In the village of Mezenivka, Krasnopil district, 34 subscribers have no gas.

More than 50,000 subscribers are left without electricity, 9,000 of whom are residents of Sumy district. 

A significant proportion of residents of Okhtyrka (13,000 subscribers), Velyka Pysarivka (8,200), Trostyanets (2,500), Krasnopillya (14,000), and Lebedyn (5,700) don’t have electricity.

In all other cities of the region, the services provide public services on a full-time basis.


Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine / CinC AF of Ukraine:

Since the beginning of an uncovered invasion, Russia launched 328 cruise missiles of Iskander and Kalibr types on peaceful cities, towns and villages of Ukraine.This bloody crime of Putin’s regime is a blatant violation of the international humanitarian law violation that needs International Criminal Court investigation.

11:20 Ruslan Martsinkiv – the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk:

After the explosions, no one was reported killed. The infrastructure is not damaged. He asks the residents of Opryshivtsi, Krykhivtsi, Chukalivka, who live near the local airport, to move if possible.

11:15 Ukrzaliznytsia

Since the beginning of the war, Ukrzaliznytsia has evacuated more than 2 million people“During the 15 days of the war, Ukrzaliznytsia has evacuated more than 2 million people. 226,000 of them are abroad,” the statement in telegram said.

11:07 Ukraine’s State Emergency Service: 

Baryshivka village, Kyiv region: on March 11, an air strike damaged apartment buildings, partially destroyed and damaged the infrastructure of the village. 6 people were injured. 

Oskil village, Kharkiv region: an enemy shell hit one of the buildings of psychoneurological residential care facility, 5 floors high. The explosion destroyed the building structures on the 2nd and 3rd floors, as well as local fires in several places. Fortunately, there were no casualties. All 30 staff members and 330 patients (mostly elderly and disabled) were in shelter at the time of the shelling.

Dnipro city: at about 06:10 AM,  there were three air strikes in the city, namely: hitting a kindergarten,  an apartment building, and  a two-story shoe factory with subsequent burning. 1 person died, the fire at the shoe factory was extinguished.

11:03 Operational Command “North”: Defense forces operating in Chernihiv region liberated 5 settlements (from Russian occupiers) and captured two enemy’s armored personnel carriers

10:59 Luhansk Regional State Administration: Occupiers distribute propaganda letters and videos where Ukrainians allegedly support Putin’s regime. In Svatove, Luhansk region, 

ten unknown people, playing the role of locals, recorded a video in support of the Putin regime. The filming site was set up near the Svatove military registration and enlistment office. There is an instruction for recording such videos, distributed in Svatove.

10:10 Ukraine’s MFA: Information about the Russian invasion

The operational situation on the diplomatic front as of 10:00 AM, March 11

On the 1️⃣6️⃣th day, Ukraine fiercely resists on all fronts against Russia’s armed aggression.

Thanks to the round-the-clock work of Ukrainian diplomacy, foreign partners, the Ukrainian community abroad, and volunteers, dozens of trucks with the necessary assistance are arriving in Ukraine every day.

☑️Financial Aid

🔺The US Senate 🇺🇸has approved budget estimates for 2022, providing 13.6 billion US dollars to help Ukraine and US partners in NATO

☑️Refusal of the gas needle of the Russian Federation

🔺The Australian 🇦🇺government has decided to ban imports of oil, petroleum products, natural gas, coal, and other energy sources from Russia. The sanctions will take effect on April 25

☑️International isolation of the Russian Federation

🔺The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has decided to consult with the PACE on new measures to be taken against Russia in response to serious irregularities of its statutory obligations

🔺27 Polish cities have unilaterally terminated bilateral cooperation agreements with 29 Russian cities and 4 Belarusian cities

🔺Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials are excluded from competitions under the auspices of the World Karate Federation (WKF)

🔺The Riga City Council has decided to rename the part of the street where the Russian Embassy is located to the Street of Ukrainian Independence

☑️Economic isolation of the Russian Federation

🔺The International Monetary Fund predicts a “deep recession” in the Russian economy due to Russia’s war against Ukraine

🔺Turkish airline Pegasus Airlines is canceling its flights to and from Russia for two weeks due to EU sanctions

🔺Kazakhstan’s Air Astana has canceled all flights to Russia and over the country due to the termination of flight insurance

🔺The largest US bank, JPMorgan, is closing down in Russia and closing existing commitments in the country

🔺Google Cloud service has stopped registering new users from Russia

☑️Humanitarian aid

🔺The Greece 🇬🇷Government has decided to send vehicles to Poland for the voluntary deportation of Ukrainians who were forced to escape from Russian aggression

🔺A plane with medicines, first aid, equipment, special clothes, and other necessities for Ukraine left Edmonton, Canada

🔺American actress Mila Kunis and her husband actor Ashton Kutcher have raised more than $ 20 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

(поки не брати) – Adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko (wrote in the evening on March 10)

For the first time, Russian troops used an air bomb for 1000 kilograms of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) during the bombing of Mariupol.

Wikipedia writes that ultra-small nuclear munitions have less than 1 kiloton (equivalent to 1,000 kilograms of TNT); small 1-10 kt.

09:50 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 11.03 are approximately:

  • Personnel—more than 12 thousand people,
  • Tanks—353 units,
  • AFV—1165 units,
  • Artillery systems—125 units,
  • MLRS—58 units,
  • Anti-aircraft warfare—31 units,
  • Aircraft—57 units,
  • Helicopters—83 units,
  • Automotive equipment—558 units,
  • Ships/ boats—3 units,
  • Fuel tanks—60,
  • UAV operational and tactical level—7,

Data are being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.

Enemy losses per day:

  • Personnel—266,
  • Tanks—18 units,
  • AFV—60 units,
  • Artillery systems—2 units,
  • MLRS—2 units,
  • Anti-aircraft warfare—2 units,
  • Aircraft—0 units,
  • Helicopters—0 units,
  • Automotive equipment—32 units.


09.35 Decentralization 

The Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils, leading scientists, public figures and environmentalists have appealed to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to prevent an environmental catastrophe due to the uncontrolled situation at the Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhya NPPs.

09.27 Ukrinform with reference to Vedomosti

The Russian military admitted that in the morning of March 11 struck at airfields in Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk.

08.23 Telegram channel of Energoatom

Energoatom completely abandons Russian nuclear fuel.

8.20 UNIAN with reference to Gitanas Nausėda

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda claimed that European Union leaders approved Ukraine’s European integration.

“A historic night at Versailles. After five hours of heated discussions, EU leaders said yes to Ukrainian eurointegration. The process started. Now it is up to us and Ukrainians to accomplish it fast. The heroic Ukrainian nation deserves to know that they are welcome in the EU.”

08:13 Telegram channel of the mayor of Energodar Dmytro Orlo

Humanitarian aid has arrived in Energodar and will be distributed on March 12.

Arranged delivery by the Red Cross.

07.50 Ukrinform with reference to Reuters

Facebook has allowed calls for Putin’s death and violence against invaders.

“As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have temporarily amended the forms of political expression that usually violate our rules, such as aggressive statements, namely, death to the Russian occupiers,” a spokesman for Meta Platforms said.

Temporary changes in social media policies regarding calls for violence against Russian soldiers (except prisoners of war) apply to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

07:40 Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor Ruslan Marcinkiv confirmed the strike at the local airport in the morning.

06:53 Evropeiska Pravda

Forty-two US senators called on Biden to provide Ukraine with combat aircraft and air defence equipment.

06:36 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Operational information on 06.00 as of 11.03.2022 regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine

The sixteenth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people against the russian military invasion has begun.

Ukraine’s defence forces are repelling and holding back the offensive of the Russian armed forces in all directions.

There have been no significant changes in the position of our troops and enemy troops in the last six hours.

Regarding the actions of the enemy, aggressive Russian propaganda is beginning to work actively in the temporarily occupied territories. By spreading pro-Russian messages, the occupiers are trying to negotiate with the local population.

In the Kherson region, the enemy is seeking to introduce an administrative-police regime, creating a system of commandants’ offices to maintain “order” in the temporarily occupied settlements.

During the clashes with units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which continue in the Chernihiv region, the invaders persist suffering significant losses. As a result, the personnel of the occupying forces in this area have been demoralized and surrendered.

In some settlements, the enemy, in violation of international humanitarian law, commits robberies, hostages and executions of civilians.

In the urgent need to replenish units of the Russian Armed Forces and other illegally created terrorist armed groups, in the Rostov region, in correctional colonies, there is continued work among prisoners with a proposal to join the occupying forces in exchange for amnesty. The armed forces of the russian federation are ready to take everyone for the service, even those who have no experience of military service.

06.51 State Emergency Service of Ukraine

At 06:10 in the Novokodatsky district of Dnipro, there were three airstrikes in the city. They hit near a kindergarten and an apartment building and smashed a two-story shoe factory.

06.20 The enemy struck on Lutsk and Dnipro, there are victims

The mayor of Lutsk Igor Polishchuk reported explosions near the airport. State Enterprise Lutskteplo temporarily stopped the work of two boiler rooms.

The head of the Volyn Regional State Administration Yuriy Pohulyayko clarified that two people were killed and six wounded, as a result of the shelling of the military airfield in Lutsk by the Russian occupiers.

05.44 Ukrainian Pravda with reference to the APnews

The US Congress has finally approved USD 13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine.

04.47 Evropeiska Pravda 

The President of Lithuania believes that the EU summit said “yes” to Ukraine’s integration into the EU.

04.35 Evropeiska Pravda (refers to the decision at their disposal)

The EU summit adopted a compromise solution in support of Ukraine’s European perspective to join the EU. 

03.45 Ukrainian Pravda with reference to CNBC

Pentagon claimed that the Russian occupiers fired more than 775 different missiles across Ukraine.

01:36 Ukrinform with reference to the online briefing of the head of the IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva

The economic recession in Russia will be profound. The possibility of default is no longer “unlikely”.

00:50 Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces

On March 10, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed two large columns of enemy equipment and struck 10 occupiers’ planes.

According to preliminary information, this is a whole regiment of landing troops of the Russian Federation with a full set of equipment: tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, “Grady”, and others.


The number of refugee children from Ukraine has exceeded one million.

National Guard of Ukraine

In Mykolaiv, the member of the National Guard, from a distance of more than a kilometre, destroyed the enemy sniper with a machine gun.