Russia attacks Ukraine: live update, March 2022

🔵 24.03.2022

20:33 RL/RFE

The UN General Assembly has adopted an optional resolution calling for the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine and an immediate end to the war.

The resolution, adopted on March 24 at UN headquarters in New York, was supported by 140 countries in the 193-member assembly. Four countries – Syria, Belarus, North Korea and Eritrea – joined Russia in voting against, and 38 abstained.

20:15 Alexander Kamyshin, Chairman of the Board of “Ukrzaliznytsia” (Ukrainian Railway)

Evacuation train 43 Kyiv – Ivano-Frankivsk has just come under fire near Vasylkiv, Kyiv region. Windows were smashed in three cars. According to the operative data, there are no victims.

The enemy is once again targeting the railway infrastructure. This time an evacuation train with people came under fire. This is the most sacred thing we have now.

I ask the whole civilized world again – help us, #closethesky

19:21 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba 

“Russia’s belligerent actions are endangering global sea commerce. We are doing our utmost to protect the shipping. Taking into account the threat of potential false flag operations by Russian navy, we urge all ships, insurers, and crew to avoid Russian ports for their own safety,” – Kuleba stated.

18:56 Head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Serhii Haidai

5 killed and 8 injured as a result of today’s shelling of Luhansk region by Russians. 18 people were rescued. The shelling damaged a school and a cinema in Sievierodonetsk.

17:55 Speaker of Lithuania Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

Speakers of the parliaments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, despite the fighting in the vicinity of the capital and the threat of shelling, arrived on a visit to Kyiv.

16:49 Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

In the libraries of the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk, Donetsk, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions, the seizure of Ukrainian historical and fiction literature, which does not coincide with the postulates of Kremlin propaganda, has begun. For this purpose, Russian units of the “military police” were involved. The police are most interested in books on the history of Ukrainian Maidans, Anti-Terrorist Operation and Joint Forces Operation, and the history of Ukrainian liberation struggles. “Extremist” literature includes school textbooks on Ukrainian history, scientific and popular historical literature. The occupiers have a whole list of names forbidden to be mentioned. Among them: Mazepa, Petliura, Bandera, Shukhevych, Chornovil.

In Starobilsk, Luhansk Oblast, the Russian occupation administration is taking steps to distribute Russian rubles into circulation in shops and markets.

16:46 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk

On March 24, the first full-fledged prisoner of war exchange between Ukraine and Russia took place. In exchange for 10 occupiers captured by the Ukrainian military, Ukraine was able to return 10 Ukrainian defenders.

In addition, 11 Russian civilian sailors were sent to the Russians, who were rescued from a sunken ship near Odesa. Instead, 19 Ukrainian civilian sailors from the Sapphire rescue ship will return to Ukraine. They were captured by the occupiers while trying to take Ukrainian troops from Zmiinyi Island. 

15:36 Antonov State EnterpriseAntonov State Enterprise proposes to launch the International Fund for the Revival of the An-225 Mriya Transport Aircraft.

15:32 Deputy Chief of Police of Kyiv Region Maksym Ocheretianyi

Russian invaders continue to attack civilians in the Kyiv region on a daily basis. In the last 24 hours alone, the police have received more than 100 reports of shelling of civilians.

15:04 Head of Kharkiv Regional Administration Oleh Syniehubov

In Kharkiv, near Akademik Pavlov Street, Russians fired at long-range weapons at a post office near which Kharkiv residents were receiving humanitarian aid. According to preliminary data, 6 civilians were killed and another 15 were injured, who were hospitalized. The number of victims is being clarified.

14:39 Suspilne 

Russia has committed 148 crimes against journalists and the media since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. As of March 24, five journalists had been killed in the line of duty, seven had been injured, and one had gone missing. This is stated by the Institute of Mass Media (IMI).

13:28 Ukrainska Pravda

More than a hundred MEPs have called on EU member states to impose a full trade embargo on Russia and Belarus, including a ban on energy trade.

This is stated in the address of MEPs to the governing bodies of the EU and the President of France, which currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union, before the summit of EU leaders in Brussels.

13:07 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the forced deportation of residents of Mariupol by Russia

The Russian Federation has launched a new phase of terror against the city of Mariupol. Residents who survived Russian bombing and artillery shelling are now being forcibly deported to Russia.

15,000 residents of the Left Bank district of Mariupol are in grave danger. The Russian occupiers are forcing them to move to Russia. The invaders confiscate people’s passports and other identity documents.

According to the information available, the Russian army has forcibly deported about 6,000 Mariupol residents to Russian filtration camps in order to use them as hostages and put more political pressure on Ukraine.

At the same time, the Russian armed forces are firing on evacuation columns trying to leave Mariupol for the territory of Ukraine free from Russian occupation. Russian troops continue to hold in detention a humanitarian convoy of buses that arrived a few days ago from Zaporizhia to take people from Mariupol.

Such actions by Russia are a gross violation of the laws and customs of war, the norms of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.

We call on the world leaders gathered in Brussels today for the NATO, Group of Seven and EU summits to take urgent action to save the lives of the residents of Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities who have found themselves in an inhumane siege by the Russian army.

The international community must impose new tough sanctions on Russia to stop its deadly military machine, as well as cut off all business ties with Russian companies to stop funding Russia’s war against Ukraine.

13:06 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Operational information as of 12.00 24.03.2022 regarding the Russian invasion.

The 29th day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continues.

The full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine continues. The enemy continues to suffer significant losses.

To replenish them, the Russian invaders are recruiting reserve officers, conscripts, and sergeants. The practice of recruiting mercenaries, recruited by Russian private military companies, persists.

To restore combat capability, the commanders of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation have made many decisions to remove from storage and send to military units that restore combat capability, obsolete armored vehicles.

In the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy, there are frequent cases of seizure of trucks and special agricultural machinery from private entrepreneurs and farmers.

According to the information received, the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation has decided to adjust the plans for further hostilities on the territory of Ukraine since the goals set before the war with Ukraine were not met in time.

Over the past two weeks, more than 20 enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Russian federation have been forced to suspend their activities in whole or in part due to lack of components and parts. In particular, the production of aircraft missiles at the Russian research and production enterprise “Vimpel” was suspended.

At the same time, the Russian military leadership is transferring weapons and military equipment from military districts to the territory of Belarus and the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The goal is to attempt to prepare and implement offensive actions for the encirclement of the city of Kyiv.

The Russian military leadership is beginning to realize that the available forces and means are not enough to maintain the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and conduct defense operations.

In the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions, the enemy was forced to abandon offensive operations, regroup troops, and hold previously occupied frontiers. Takes measures to mislead our units and continues to conduct reconnaissance.

Units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to be involved in covering certain sections of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

Enemy units are trying to blockade Chernihiv and capture the city of Slavutych but did not achieve their goal.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to blockade the city of Sumy. It did not take any active actions in the direction of Kharkiv. The main efforts focused on the destruction of the city’s civilian infrastructure.

It was not successful in the Izium direction. The Russian enemy suffered losses. It retreated to the southern part of the city.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy does not refuse to conduct offensive operations, with the ultimate goal of reaching the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

In the South Buh area, the enemy is defending, taking measures to restore combat capability, replenishing ammunition and fuel, and oil in preparation for the resumption of offensive operations.

Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked large landing ships stationed in the port of Berdyask. As a result, a fire broke out on a large landing ship of project 1171, followed by the detonation of ammunition (enemy losses are being clarified).

12:33 Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President Mykhailo Podoliak

The Russians are trying to turn the war into a partially “protracted phase.” The reason is too high losses in personnel and equipment and the lack of any significant progress in all directions. To reduce losses and try to “clean up” their rear from disloyal elements (which is almost 90-95% of the civilian population), the Russians are trying to introduce new mandatory elements in their military tactics. There is a partial entrenchment of Russians on the occupied borders and concentrate forces and means of destruction around large cities to deliberately provoke humanitarian catastrophes.

This tactic has clear legal definitions in international law in the area of ​​war crimes and crimes against humanity.

12:01 Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

The Russians are mass transporting Ukrainian citizens from the occupied territories to Russia. After passing the filtration camps, Ukrainians are sent to economically depressed areas of Russia. Several northern regions are mentioned as the final destination, in particular Sakhalin. Ukrainians are “offered” official employment through employment centers. Those who agree receive documents banning them from leaving Russian regions for two years.

Today, information about the establishment of a Russian filtration camp in Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk region, has been confirmed. Civilians are being sent there en masse. Their documents are being confiscated. Employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation “work” with people. Their goal is to find Ukrainian military and law enforcement officers who took part in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and Joint Forces Operation. Then people are transported to Russia, in particular to Taganrog (Rostov region) and Krasnodar Krai.

There is indisputable evidence of inhuman treatment of Ukrainians, like denial of medical care. There are problems with the food supply.

Recall that the forcible transfer of civilians to the territory of the aggressor state, in particular children, is a gross violation of international law, including international humanitarian law and another proof of Russia’s behavior as a terrorist state.

11:56 Energoatom

A new group of propagandists has arrived at the Russian-occupied Chornobyl nuclear power plant to make another fake movie about the station’s operation. In this way, the invaders want to convince the IAEA of the “normality” of nuclear terrorism and hide the actual situation with radiation leaks and environmental pollution.

11:07 Security Service of UkraineThe Security Service of Ukraine regularly intercepts conversations of Russian servicemen. The occupiers see the siege of Kyiv as an opportunity to ensure their “prosperous” lives through looting.

10:21 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk:

Ukraine expects to exchange captured Ukrainian servicemen from Zmiinyi Island for Russian sailors. “By the way, we saved 11 sailors and are ready to give them away. For what do we need them? Let them [the Russians] return our people,” Iryna Vereshchuk said.

9:19 State Emergency Service in the Chernihiv region

The projectile hit the engine room of the ammonia production hall of one of the food industry enterprises, causing depressurization of the gas pipeline and technical tank and leakage of ammonia. The concentration of ammonia fumes in the air is within the permissible norm. There are no victims.

8:53 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 24.03 were approximately:

personnel – about 15800, 

tanks ‒ 530, 

APV  ‒ 1597, 

artillery systems – 280, 

MLRS – 82, 

anti-aircraft warfare systems – 47,

aircraft – 108, 

helicopters – 124, 

vehicles – 1033,

cutters – 4,

fuel tanks – 72, 

UAV operational-tactical level – 50,

special equipment – 16.

Data are being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities. 

7:46 Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhii Shkarlet

During the war, 566 educational institutions were damaged by bombing and shelling, 73 of which were completely destroyed.

6:55 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Operational information as of 06.00 24.03.2022 regarding the Russian invasion (Video)

The 29th day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion has begun.

The Defence Forces continues to conduct a defence operation in the Eastern, Southeastern and Northeastern directions.

The enemy did not succeed in any of them.

Groups of troops deter the enemy in these areas, conduct a stabilization operation and perform territorial defence tasks.

Enemy aircraft continue to be active, striking from the air, and more than 250 aircraft flights have been recorded in the last 24 hours (60 more than on March 22). The enemy’s main targets remain military and civilian infrastructure in Kyiv, Chernihiv and Kharkiv oblasts.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses concentrated missile and air strikes and air attacks of the enemy, air cover of important objects of Ukraine and groups of troops. For the previous day, 11 enemy air targets were hit (7 planes, 1 UAV, 1 helicopter and 2 cruise missiles.) Information about their final downing is being clarified.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region, in connection with peaceful protests against the occupation, the enemy resorted to terror of the local population, actively using rosguard units to prevent these actions of civil disobedience to the occupation authorities.

The enemy continues to lose manpower and equipment in all directions. Total resistance of the Ukrainian people continues.

2:31 Radio Svoboda

The United Nations Security Council almost unanimously abstained from Russia’s draft resolution on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.

1:31 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Operational information as of 24.00 23.03.2022 regarding the Russian invasion

The 28th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic opposition against Russia’s military invasion is coming to an end.

The enemy has not fulfilled the task of reaching the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, encircling the city of Kyiv or gaining control of the left bank of Ukraine.

They are not abandoning their attempts of resuming offensive operations with the goal of capturing Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, and Mariupol.

Due to suffering numerous losses of the command of the occupational forces, with the aim of improving their situation on the front, they continue to form and move additional units of armed forces of the russian federation to the Ukrainian borders. According to the available information, with the aim of recovering from the losses of the 144th motorized rifle division of the 20th field army of the Western Military District, contracting measures have been intensified in the military commissariats of the Smolensk region. In order to replenish the occupational forces, soldiers returning from business trips in Syria are also being recruited.

Remains of units of the Eastern Military District and airborne forces are arriving from russia at the border with Ukraine at the Gomel region in the republic of belarus.

No offensive operations were conducted by the enemy in the Volyn direction. There remains the possibility of the involvement of certain units of the armed forces of the republic of belarus in the russian aggression against Ukraine. According to the available data, there are up to 4 BTGs from the armed forces of belarus located near the Ukrainian-belarussian border.

In the Polissya direction the enemy has intensified air reconnaissance in the settlements of Glibivka, Lutizh, Lebedivka. Along the line of contact the enemy continues to supply the engineering of positions and installation of minefields. Over the course of the day the enemy carried out artillery shelling in the areas of Kalynivka, Horinka, Pushcha-Vodytsia, Novi Petrivtsi, Pomannivka and the northeastern outskirts of Kyiv.

In the northern direction the enemy, with the help of separate units of the Central Military District, continues to concentrate its efforts and means in order to attempt to resume offensive operations.

In the Cheriniv directions the enemy is attempting to blockade and occupy the city of Chernihiv, has conducted air reconnaissance of the city’s areas, likely with the aim of estimating the result of air strikes and identifying the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ units.

In the Brovary direction the enemy has been stopped. They attempted to break through the defensive positions of our armed forces’ troops with the aim of reaching the north-western outskirts of Kyiv, and had no success.

In the Slabozhansk direction the enemy carried out artillery strikes on the city of Kharkiv, but the occupying forces failed to carry out active offensive operations.

In the direction of Sumy, units of the 1st Guards Tank Army did not conduct any active offensive operations. The main efforts were focused on blocking the city, and carrying out artillery and air strikes on civilian infrastructure objects.

In the direction of Izum the occupants made an attempt to break through the defense of our troops in the regions of Donetske, Topollske, Kam’yanka, and the fighting continues.

In the Donetsk direction the enemy is shelling the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the vast majority of directions. The main efforts are being concentrated on seizing the settlements of Rubizhne, Severodonetsk, Popasna, Verkhnyoteretske, Mar’yinka, and Mariupol. Re-grouping and building groups is taking place in order to resume offensive operations. They are actively carrying out reconnaissance and attempting to move forward, bypassing the positions of our troops and places of resistance without engaging in battle.

In the region of Popasna, with the help of artillery, the enemy continued attempts to move further into the city and secure their previously captured positions, but had no success and suffered losses.

They continue to carry out air and artillery strikes on objects of civilian infrastructure of Mariupol, and have had no success.

In the Tavriya direction there have been no changes in the composition oк position of the enemy.

In the South Buh region the enemy continues to supply the engineering of positions. Measures are being taken to restore combat capabilities, replenish ammunition, and fuel and lubricants with the aim or preparation to renew offensive operations.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Defence Forces units are giving the invader worthy rebuff in all directions. The enemy is suffering significant losses in personnel and equipment.

2:05 ABC News

According to the US Department of Defense, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops have launched more than 1,200 missiles.

The official said that Russia’s military is “running the lowest on our air-launched cruise missiles” but that they still have “over 50% of what they had assembled prior to the invasion”. Russia still has a significant number of ground-launched cruise missiles, short-range ballistic missiles, and medium-range ballistic missiles.

1:04 AnonymousThe international group Anonymous has hacked the Central Bank of Russia, as well as the websites of companies that have not yet left the Russian market due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.