Russia attacks Ukraine: live update, March 2022


20:47 State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience

Since the start of the war, the Russian military has destroyed and damaged at least 59 buildings of spiritual significance, not including nearby buildings, in at least eight regions. According to the agency, on average, Russians destroy two buildings a day.

20:23 Suspilne

The Russian military abducted Olga Sukhenko, the head of the village of Motyzhyn in the Kyiv region, and her husband and son.

19:00 Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian missiles hit the territory of the Air Force Command in Vinnytsia. The invaders launched six missiles at Vinnytsia. Several of them were shot down by the Ukrainian air defence system, but some hit the command building. The destruction of infrastructure is significant.

18:41 Kyiv School of Economics

As of March 24, the amount of damage inflicted on Ukraine’s infrastructure during the war reached $ 63 billion (UAH 1.8 trillion).

18:30 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Operational information as of 18.00 25.03.2022 regarding the Russian invasion (Video)

The 30th day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continues.

During today, the enemy continued to regroup troops to build up strike groups to resume offensive operations. In some areas, the enemy is trying to carry out assault operations and does not abandon attempts to inflict fire damage on certain units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is not successful.

The enemy is taking measures to restore combat capability, replenish ammunition, fuel, and oil to ensure the readiness of offensive operations.

The Defence Forces continue to conduct a defence operation in certain areas, conduct a stabilisation operation, and perform territorial defence tasks.

The defence forces involved in the defence of the city of Kyiv continue to repel the enemy’s offensive, inflict fire on him and hold certain boundaries.

The facts of criminal activity of the Russian military-political leadership, systematic violations of international humanitarian law, norms of humane treatment during the war continue to be recorded.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the occupiers continue to terrorize the local population, forcing people to be deported to the territory of the Russian federation. In order to intimidate the local population, Russian invaders are carrying out chaotic shelling of settlements, confiscating vehicles and personal belongings.

In the temporarily occupied Luhansk, in the local hospital, the occupiers located a military hospital, which is fully occupied by wounded servicemen of the Russian federation. Part of the hospital is set aside for the storage of corpses since the local morgues are overcrowded.

The enemy continues to suffer losses among the command. Thus, on March 25, Ukrainian defenders eliminated the commander of the 49th All-Military Army of the Southern Military District, Lieutenant-General Yakov Rezantsev.

18:25 The Federal Council of Switzerland according to CNN 

Switzerland has adopted further sanctions against Russia in line with the European Union’s latest package of sanctions, the Swiss Federal Council announced on Friday. It has imposed bans related to the energy and financial sectors, plus dealing with luxury, iron, and steel goods, the statement said. However, the Federal Council noted it had decided to allow “certain exceptions from the financial sanctions for humanitarian purposes,” saying it would “ease” business relationships “necessary for the work of humanitarian organizations.”

16:17 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba for Ukrainska Pravda

Kuleba stated that as of 25 March, there is no consensus with Russia on the four points of negotiations mentioned by the President of Turkey.

Quote from Kuleba: “There is no consensus with Russia regarding the four points mentioned by the Turkish president. In particular, the only state language in Ukraine is Ukrainian and will remain so. And in general, the classification of key negotiation topics into four points, or any other number, is inappropriate.”

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had said that Ukraine was ready to agree to four of the Russians’ six demands, including giving up NATO membership and recognizing Russian as a second state language.

15:53 Ukrainska Pravda 

Russia’s Defense Ministry has said it will focus on “full liberation of Donbas” but may try to storm Kyiv, Kharkiv and other regional centers.

15:30 Center for Countering Disinformation

Specialists from InformNapalm report on the possible use of sarin in those cities where the occupiers can not break through the defenses. For military purposes it is used as a combat poison of neuro-paralytic action. 

Fact from InformNapalm intelligence:

1. On March 17, Russian officers fighting in Ukraine receive an injection of Pralidoxime (an antidote to organophosphorus compounds);

2. On March 20, the command staff of the Russian Federation received ampoules of atropine (antidote for chemotherapy).

Occupational propaganda also spreads narratives about “American biolabs in Ukraine” and “pathogen leakage”.

15:20 Mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov

In Melitopol, the Russian military blocked the distribution of humanitarian aid to citizens, which arrived on March 25 in the city.

Thirteen tons of food and two tons of baby food and medicine were delivered to the city. However, it is not possible to distribute them to the citizens at the moment.

15:18 Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine

Russian occupation forces are destroying Ukraine’s environment. Currently, the only means of monitoring fires throughout Ukraine is remote sensing of the Earth. Ukraine receives such data from the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS).

“They testify that as of today, as a result of Russian aggression, almost 102,000 hectares of all types of landscapes in Ukraine have been damaged,” the Ministry of Environment said.

14:02 Ukrainska Pravda 

Dmytro Takadzhy, head of the Russian-occupied town of Nyzhni Sirohozy in the Henichesk district of the Kherson region, has disappeared. He had previously announced his resignation. It is unknown where Takaszhy is and what happened to him. Occupiers seized the town council and blocked access to the offices. Military checkpoints of Russian combat formations have been set up on the territory of the community.

14:02 Slavutych City Council

The City Council said that snipers are working in Slavutych, which is administratively subordinated to the Kyiv region.

13:47 Suspilne

The occupiers shot dead two people from the village of Velykyi Sambir, Konotop district, in their own yard. A 62-year-old man and a woman died from gunshot wounds. This was reported on the Facebook page of the Sumy Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

13:45 Ukrinform

Russia needs to be deprived of new financial resources, in particular, from the sale of energy that could go to war with Ukraine. However, Germany, Austria, and Hungary do not want to sever trade relations with Russia.

This was announced on Friday in Brussels as part of the EU summit by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

13:06 Ukrinform, Ukraine’s Parliamentary Envoy for Human Rights 

Russia forcibly moves Ukrainians from the occupied territories to Russia. They also make them pass through “filtration camps” as Russia’s security service seeks to identify Ukrainian military. 

13:00 Ukrinform, Ukraine’s Parliamentary Envoy for Human Rights 

Naples’ court released Ukrainian Yevhen Lavrenchuk, ruled Russia’s charges brought against him falsified and political, said Ukraine’s Parliamentary Envoy for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova. Ukrainian opera director Lavrenchuk was arrested in Italy in December 2021 at Russia’s request.

12:50 General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, report of 12:00
The Russian troops failed to reach its main goals of a large-scale war – the blockade of Kyiv and access to the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The enemy has had partial success in creating a land corridor between the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and part of the Donetsk region.

Measures are being taken to replenish the losses of the occupational forces, by forming and sending consolidated units from the 37th Omsbr (Kyakhta), the 5th Otbr (Ulan-Ude) of the 36th Army, the 38th Omsbr (Ekaterinoslavka) of the 35th Army. 40th Separate Brigade of Marines (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) of the Pacific Fleet of the armed forces of the russian federation, to belarus.

On the Volyn axis, the enemy has not been active. The probability of involving the armed forces of belarus in the aggression against Ukraine is estimated as high.

In Polissya, the enemy has not carried out offensive operations. Their efforts have been concentrated on shelling the positions of Ukraine’s Armed Forces in the regions of the settlements of Nova Buda, Nalyvaykivka, Ozerchchyna. They are carrying out the movement of units, logistics, and are attempting to gain foothold on the occupied frontiers. Eastern Military District troops have set up a rear area (field camp) in the Chernobyl region.

On the axis of Siversk, the occupational forces continue to hold the previously captured borders, and are attempting to grow their groups and blockade Chernihiv. They continue to shell the city’s infrastructure. Air reconnaissance with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles continues. With the aim of decreasing resistance from the civil population, the enemy has distributed leaflets.

Advancement in the direction of Brovary has been unsuccessful – the occupants were stopped immediately, have switched to defence and are attempting to gain foothold at their current positions.

On the axis of Slobozhansk the enemy is attempting to hold down their positions near Sumy and Kharkiv, and are replenishing their losses in equipment and manpower. They do not stop in utilising aviation and artillery to destroy the cities’ residential areas.

In the region of the city of Izum the enemy has attempted to break through the defences of our troops from the South, in the region of Kamyanka, and was stopped in the region of Tikhotsky. The enemy has been wedged, and is being destroyed.

On the axis of Donetsk the enemy continues to replenish their losses, is re-grouping units, simultaneously firing, using artillery and aviation, at the infrastructure of peaceful cities. They are not giving up on the idea of entering the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

On the Tavriya axis, in the temporarily occupied territories, measures of preparing for the implementation of an occupational government are taking place, specifically by the rosguart units. Measures were taken to isolate the railway station of Kherson.

The enemy is growing its naval fleet in the waters of the Sea of Azov. There has been a record of the passage of the small minesweeper “Valentyn Pikul”, the missile boat “Naberezhnye Chelny” and two landing craft, via the Kerch Strait, in the north direction.

The Defense Forces Group continue their defense operation, focusing their efforts on preventing the enemy from breaking through, defending the state border of Ukraine, destroying the enemy on land, in the air and at sea.

11:44 Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice

The records center of Ukraine’s Security Service was destroyed by fire in Chernihiv region. Those were the records of repressions by the Soviet regime against Ukrainians, head of Ukraine’s Archival Service Anatoliy Khromov said.

11:26 European Pravda

Armenia faulted Azerbaijan for violating the line of contact and seizing Parukh village in Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia called on Russia’s “peacekeeping forces” to oust Azerbaijan from the area.

11:19 Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Renault halts production in Russia.

Philip Morris said it would cut operations and halt investment in Russia.

The EU will establish the Ukraine Solidarity Trust Fund to help rebuild the country.

The U.S. announced an additional USD 320 million in democracy and human rights funding to Ukraine and its neighbors.

Japan rolled out the 9th package of sanctions against Russia. It will freeze the assets of 25 more Russians and prohibit exports to 81 Russian companies.

France, Bulgaria, and Estonia sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

11:13 Ukraine’s Security Service

Ukraine’s Security Service detained more than 350 saboteurs since Russia began a full-scale invasion. Ukraine’s operatives also blocked international channels Russia used to recruit mercenaries.

In Kyiv, the Security Service destroyed a Russian subversive group pretending to be a territorial defense unit.

Ukraine’s operatives uncovered more than 10 Russian agents in Luhansk region.

They detained Russia’s agents spying on Ukraine’s electronic warfare units and drones.

In Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine’s Security Service prevented Russia’s agents infiltration into local self-government aimed to “federalize” the region.    

10:59 Mariupol City Council

In Mariupol, Russia set up an office of United Russia party in the Metro shopping mall, local residents report. The office makes propaganda efforts, hands out mobile SIM cards of Phoenix provider that operates in the occupied territory of Donetsk region since 2014.

10:45 Ukraine’s Defense Ministry

Total combat losses of the Russian troops between March 24 and March 25:

  • personnel – about 16,100 
  • tanks ‒ 561, 
  • armored fighting vehicles  ‒ 1625, 
  • artillery systems – 291, 
  • multiple launch rocket systems – 90, 
  • air defense systems – 49,
  • aircraft – 115, 
  • helicopters – 125, 
  • vehicles – 1,089,
  • warships, motor boats – 5,
  • fuel tanks – 72, 
  • operational-tactical drones – 53.
  • Other special equipment – 18.

Data are being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.

10:40 Mariupol City Council, testimony of witnesses
Around 300 civilians were killed as Russia drop a bomb on Mariupol’s Drama Theatre, witnesses say.

10:34 National Security and Defense Council’s Center for Countering Disinformation
The Center warned of Russia’s disinformation efforts. Russian opposition leaders spread false claims. Some of them are: peacekeeping missions in Ukraine pose a threat as they aim to “partition Ukraine” returning to 1939 borders. Hungary, Romania, and Poland plot aggression against Ukraine.
Rallies in support of Russia’s war in Serbia, Bulgaria, Armenia, and Syria failed, the Center adds.  

10:25 Police in Kharkiv region

At around 07:45 in Kharkiv, Russia shelled a primary medical care center in Osnovyanskyi district converted to a humanitarian aid center. There are no military targets nearby.

Four civilians were killed and three more were injured as Russia struck civilian infrastructure from multiple launch rocket systems on the morning of March 25.

10:14 Suspline

On the morning of March 25, the Russian forces abducted two people in the Snovska hromada, in Chernihiv region. They are Oleksandr Medvedyov, head of the hromada and Hryhoriy Bozhok, entrepreneur and former deputy of the regional council.

Russians take them toward Horodnya, head of Koryukivka district military administration said.

09:44 head of Kharkiv regional administration Oleh Syniehubov
On March 24, Russia made 55 attacks, used Grad and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems around 240 times. On the evening of March 24, the Russian forces attacked the airport of Kharkiv from multiple launch rocket systems. Russia’s attacks damaged civilian infrastructure, communication lines, and a hospital in Derhachi. There are casualties.    

08:11 Ukraine’s Emergency Service
At around 20:00 on March 24, Russia’s strike hit an oil storage area in Kalynivka village, in Kyiv region’s Fastiv district. The facility caught fire. As of 06:25, the fire continued to burn, but did not spread outside the storage area.

07:58 Office of the Prosecutor General
As of the morning of March 25, 135 children were killed as Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 184 children were injured. Region breakdown: Kyiv region – 64 children’s casualties, Kharkiv – 44, Donetsk – 46, Chernihiv – 34, Mykolayiv – 25, Zaporizhzhia – 26, the city of Kyiv – 16, Zhytomyr – 15, Kherson – 15, and Sumy – 14. 

07:30 head of Luhansk regional administration Serhiy Hayday

Three residential houses in Rubizhne caught fire as Russia’s attack struck the city at night. Two civilians were killed. On March 24, 21 fires broke out. The city lacks firefighters.    

06:33 General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, report of 06:00

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to conduct a defensive operation on the Eastern, Southeastern and Northeastern axes.

The joint forces are conducting a sustained defensive operation

in the Donetsk, Slobozhansky and parts of the Tavriya areas in the designated

operational zone, focusing their efforts on preventing enemy breakthroughs.

So, during the previous day the Ukrainian troops repulsed 9 enemy

attacks, destroyed 12 tanks, about 20 units of armoured and automotive

equipment and 9 artillery systems. The enemy lost more than 200 servicemen. Air

defence units shot down 2 planes and 2 enemy UAVs.

The group of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit 6

enemy air targets: 1 plane, 1 UAV and 4 cruise missiles. The Air Force

patrolled the airspace, destroyed the troops and facilities, and fired on the

armoured personnel carriers, logistics centres, and clusters of enemy troops.

In Volyn, the main efforts of the defence forces are focused on

covering the state border.

A defence operation continues in the Siverskyi region. A group

of troops holds the city of Chernihiv and hinders the advance of the enemy in

the direction of Kyiv.

At the same time, the grouping of forces and means of defence of

the city of Kyiv continues to repel the enemy’s offensive, inflict fire damage

on it and maintain all the defined lines of defence.

In the South, the defence operation continues in the designated

operational zone, a stabilization operation is underway, and territorial

defence tasks are being performed.

russian terrorist forces continue to fight, knowingly violating

international humanitarian law and the rules of war.

00:41 General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, report of 12am

The occupiers’ tasks of reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, encircling the city of Kyiv, and establishing control over the left-bank part of Ukraine failed. The enemy managed to partially succeed in the Donetsk operational district in continuing the temporary maintenance of the land corridor between the Rostov region and temporarily occupied Crimea.

The enemy continues to replenish losses by training and relocating reserve units of the

armed forces of the russian federation.

The enemy did not carry out offensive operations on the Volyn axis.

On the Polissya axis, the enemy did not carry out offensive operations, continued to carry out artillery and air strikes, and tried to restore the position of its forces in the areas of Kyiv and Makarov.

On the northern axis, the enemy is trying to concentrate forces and means to resume offensive operations with the help of certain units. It makes unsuccessful attempts to block Chernihiv. On the Brovary axis it moved to the defence, carries out engineering equipment positions.

Probably, the enemy will try to resume offensive operations in the direction of the

cities of Brovary and Boryspil in order to block Kyiv from the east.

On the Slobozhansky axis, the enemy is blocking the cities of Sumy

and Kharkiv. It strikes on civilian infrastructure. Trying to resume offensive

operations in the area of ​​the city of Izyum, it bears losses.

The withdrawal of certain units of the occupying forces operating in the area to

the territory of the russian federation is noted due to the loss of more than

50 percent of the personnel.

On the Donetsk axis, the enemy holds the occupied frontiers. The main efforts, focused on capturing the cities of Popasna, Rubizhne and Mariupol, are without success.

Up to five battalion tactical groups (BTGs) moved to the defence in the Zaporizhzhya


In the South Buh area, the enemy is occupying the established lines of defence with the forces of the group, trying to take measures to restore the combat capability of units and replenish supplies.

In the Azov operational zone, according to updated information, a large landing ship

“Saratov” was destroyed during the attack on the occupied Berdyansk port. Large landing ships “Caesar Kunikov” and “Novocherkassk” were damaged. Other losses of the enemy are being clarified.

01:32 Deputy of Kherson regional council Serhiy Khlan

The Russian forces abducted Dmytro Afanasiyev, deputy of the Korabelna district council, head of faction of European Solidarity (Yevropeiska Solidarnist) party.

00:31 Ukraine’s Emergency Service in Dnipropetrovsk region

At 22:38 on March 24, Russia conducted two missile strikes on a military base on the outskirts of Dnipro. The base was damaged. Two sites caught fire. There are no casualty reports.