Russia attacks Ukraine: live update, March 2022


22:50 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk

Ukraine demands that the UN Security Council take immediate measures to demilitarise the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone and establish a UN special mission there.

“In the context of nuclear security, the irresponsible and unprofessional actions of the Russian military pose a serious threat not only to Ukraine but also to hundreds of millions of Europeans. Therefore, we demand that the UN Security Council take immediate measures to demilitarise the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone and establish a special UN mission there to eliminate the risk of a recurrence of the Chornobyl accident as a result of actions of the Russian occupation forces.”

22:39 Head of Volyn Regional Military Administration Yurii Pohuliaiko 

Explosions were heard in Volyn. These were missile strikes on the oil depot. The cruise missile was fired from the Republic of Belarus. Rescuers are still working at the site. According to preliminary data, there are no victims.

21:13 The Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea 

The Representative became aware of the illegal entry of Russians into the office in Kherson: they broke down the door, removed the state flag, and probably took out the equipment and documents that remained on the Representative’s premises. Provocations from the occupiers are possible.

20:52 Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Pavliuk

The militarization of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone by Russian occupation forces continues. This seriously increases the risk of damage to the insulation structures built over the fourth power unit of the station after its explosion in 1986.

Such damage will inevitably lead to the entry of significant amounts of radioactive dust into the atmosphere, which contaminates not only Ukraine but also other European countries.

The occupying forces of the Russian Federation ignore threats and warnings and continue to transport and store a significant amount of ammunition near the nuclear power plant.

Dozens of tons of rockets, artillery shells, and mortar ammunition are transported daily by units of the Eastern Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the logistics base deployed in the Narovlya district of the Gomel region of Belarus.

The transport corridor of the invaders passes through the city of Pripyat and a few hundred metres from the isolation facilities of the nuclear power plant. Further ammunition is stored in the city of Chornobyl, near the city of Prypiat, which is also a short distance from the nuclear power plant.

In the city of Chornobyl, the occupiers deployed a temporary command post of the Eastern Military District, as well as a command post of the 38th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade.

18:30 Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 

An international charity concert-marathon in support of Ukraine Save Ukraine – #StopWar will start on Sunday, March 27 on the basis of the Polish TV channel TVP (Live).

18:00 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Operational information at 18.00 on 27.03.2022 regarding the Russian invasion.

The thirty-second day of the Ukrainian nation’s heroic confrontation with the Russian military invasion is going on.

The enemy continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

The enemy continues to violate the requirements of the International humanitarian law in the temporarily occupied territories, commits kidnapping and intimidates residents, holds Ukrainian civilians hostage.

In connection with the disruption by the Defense Forces of the enemy’s logistics supply, in the settlements of Ivankiv and Orane, the occupiers are asking the population for food, behaving non-aggressively, no looting has been recorded.

The militarization of the exclusion zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant by the Russian occupation forces continues. This seriously increases the risk of damage to the insulation structures built over the station’s fourth power unit after its explosion in 1986. Such damage will inevitably lead to a significant amount of radioactive dust entering the atmosphere and contaminating not only Ukraine but also other European countries. The occupying forces of the Russian federation ignore threats and warnings and continue to transport and store a significant amount of ammunition in the immediate vicinity of the nuclear power plant.

Dozens of tons of rockets, artillery shells, and mortar ammunition are transported daily by units of the Eastern military district of the armed forces of the Russian federation from the logistics base deployed in the Narovlya district of the Gomel region of Belarus. The transport corridor of the invaders passes through the city of Pripyat and a few hundred meters from the isolation facilities of the nuclear power plant. Further ammunition is stored in the city of Chornobyl, near the city of Pripyat, there is also a short distance from the nuclear power plant. In the city of Chornobyl, the occupiers deployed a temporary command post of the Eastern military district, as well as a command post of the 38th separate motorized rifle brigade.

According to available information, the Russian occupation forces are increasingly using old and substandard ammunition. Thus, the 165th artillery brigade from Belogorsk, Amur region, which is part of the grouping, received permission to use this ammunition. This increases the risk of their detonation even when loading and transporting. The facts of such self-detonation of ammunition in Russian military depots and arsenals are well known and occur regularly.

The defense forces continue to systematically inflict losses on the enemy in all directions.

17:12 Ukraine’s Parliamentary Envoy for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova

The invaders of the Russian Federation are carrying out a mass deportation of the population of the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Defense of the occupier reports that 90,000 citizens of Ukraine, Moldova and Russia have already been deported from the Kherson region. The racists call the grounds for relocation “appeals of embassies and applications submitted to the military commandant’s office of Kherson.”

Over the past day alone, more than 19.6 thousand civilians, including 3,300 children, were deported from the temporarily uncontrolled territories of Ukraine in Donetsk and Luhansk regions!!

This was announced by the head of the National Center for Defense Management of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev. In total, the racist military notes the removal of 439,420 civilians “from dangerous areas of Ukraine,” of whom 91,673 are children, and 98,081 people were displaced from Mariupol “due to nationalist arbitrariness,” including 4,183 children.

The scale of the forced relocation is comparable only to Hitler’s deportation to World War II.

The occupying country is cynically and grossly violating the provisions of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which prohibits the forced relocation or deportation of persons from the occupied territories.

I appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross to take all possible measures to assist in the return of Ukrainians illegally deported to Russia and to open safe humanitarian corridors from the regions of hostilities.

I call on the international community to put even more pressure on the occupying power to liberate the entire territory of Ukraine from the racist army. 

16:26 Suspilne 

Suspilne spoke with local journalist Nadezhda Sarana about the situation in occupied Slavutych.

Russian troops have been stationed in Slavutych since March 26. Earlier in his video address, Mayor Yuriy Fomichev said that the occupiers were looking for weapons in the city, and when they checked everything, they would leave the city. During the peaceful protest, the Russians used tear gas and stun grenades against civilians. A young man was injured by the wreckage and is currently in hospital in critical condition. The day before, when the occupiers attacked Slavutych, civilians and representatives of the territorial defence were injured and killed. On March 26, the mayor confirmed the deaths of three civilians.

14:35 Ukrainska Pravda 

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave an interview to Russian journalists (Medusa, Rain, and Kommersant) for the first time since the start of the war. Roskomnadzor warns the Russian media about the need to refrain from publishing this interview.

13:53 Ukrainska Pravda

Traders made the first deliveries of Ukrainian corn to Europe by train, as Ukraine’s seaports remain blocked due to Russian invasion. This was reported by APK-Inform, which specialises in agricultural issues, writes Reuters. Ukraine is a major world producer and exporter of grain, and almost all of its exports traditionally come from Black Sea ports. Monthly grain exports before the war exceeded 5 million tons.

12:52 Buzzfeed news journalist Christopher Miller 

Russian forces are using white phosphorus against Ukrainians on the frontline near the eastern city of Avdiivka.

12:06 Economic Pravda

Auchan CEO Yves Claude said the network would continue to operate in Russia because it “acts in the interests of the civilian population.” This was reported by Le Journal du Dimanche.

12:00 Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Ukraine works to remove Russia from key positions in IAEA due to nuclear terrorism.

11:51 Ukrainska Pravda

The leader of the so-called “LNR” Leonid Pasichnyk said that in the near future on the territory of the “LPR” may be a referendum on joining Russia

According to Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleh Nikolenko, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is convinced that the international community does not recognize the results of the so-called “referendum of the Luhansk People’s Republic” on joining the Russian Federation.

11:07 Oleksandr Tkachenko Minister of Culture

Ukrainian representatives of the theatre call on their colleagues around the world to ban Russia. The aggressor country should be removed from the world’s leading theatre festivals and unions, and Russian artists will be blacklisted to perform around the world.

10:20 State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Operational information of SES units (as of 10:00 on March 27)

During the past 24hrs, SES units have made 1,585 departures, including 533 to eliminate the consequences of the shelling of settlements and civilian infrastructure by Russian troops. 8 people were rescued. 281 fires caused by hostilities were eliminated.

Pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service carried out 149 operations, neutralized 507 explosive devices and 6 kg of explosives, including 3 air bombs, and inspected an area of ​​over 500 hectares.

75 tents have been set up on the western borders for receptions and heating citizens, assisting more than 1,400 people during the day.

At present, 1,455 settlements have been de-energized, 39 of them partially. 8 SES generators have been involved in providing emergency power supply to social facilities, 5 of them to supply electricity to hospitals.

More than 979 thousand people were evacuated.

09:15 Ukrainska Pravda

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, showed a video about the participation of Chechens in the capture of Mariupol, which depicts Ruslan Geremeev, who is considered the organizer of the assassination of opposition Russian politician Boris Nemtsov.

08:00 Office of the Prosecutor General

As of the morning of March 27, 139 children had been killed and more than 205 wounded in the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. On average, these are three victims per day.

Children suffered the most in Kyiv – 65, Kharkiv – 45, Donetsk – 53, Chernihiv – 38, Mykolaiv – 29, Luhansk – 25, Zaporizhia – 19, Kherson – 21, the capital – 16, Zhytomyr – 15 and Sumy – 14 regions.

07:56 Melitopol media 

The occupiers disconnected Melitopol from Ukrainian communications and the Internet.

05:33 Ukrainska Pravda

Cameraman and photographer from Lviv Yurii Oliinyk was killed during hostilities in the Luhansk region.

00:50 Head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyy

Many facilities in Trostianets liberated from the occupiers yesterday, including a hospital, remain mined.